- - First Ski of the Winter
- - Meatballs at Ikea
- - Dim Sum at T&T
- - At Mud Lake with Lynn
- - Halloween Party with Lynn
- - More Ice Skating with Lynn
- - Ice Skating with Lynn
- - Biking with Lynn
- - At the Nepean Sailing Club with Lynn
- - With Chris at RibFest and Parliament Hill
- - Last Sail of the Season
- - Scattering Ruth's Ashes
- - Bicycle Picnic at Lac Leamy
- - Adam & Chris at the Gladstone Theatre
- - Adam & Chris at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum
- - Adam & Chris at the Mer Bleue bog
- - At the Ottawa Pride Parade
- - Adam's New and Improved Mountain Bike
- - Adam & Brenda at the Mackenzie King Estate
- - With Cyndy at Rideau Falls & Rideau Hall
- - - Jane Comes to Visit
- - - At the Ottawa Fringe Festival
- - - Volunteering at the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival
- - First Sail of the Season
- - - Doug's Visit to Ottawa
- - - Volunteering at The World Partnership Walk
- - Catriking to the Mackenzie King Estate in Gatineau Park
- - Working on Scotfree with Janice
- - Two Years Without a Haircut
- - Out Biking
- - Catriking to Quebec
- - Meatball Date
- - Biking Season Starts
- - Hike to the Britannia Yacht Club
- - Planting a Tree For Ruth at Sati Saraniya
- - Hiking in Gatineau Park
- - Second Date With Janice
- - First Date With Janice
- - Skiing At The End Of March!
- - Skating
- - Back Volunteering at NCF
- - 98 km of Cross Country Skiing at Sawmill Creek
- - - Matt & Katia in Ottawa
- - 55 km of Cross Country Skiing at Sawmill Creek
- - Ruth's Ashes Come Home
- - Cross Country Skiing at Sawmill Creek
- - Ruth's Death at May Court
- - - Ruth at May Court
Click to enlarge photos, hover for caption
First Ski of the Winter
We got quite a lot of snow last night so Lynn and I abandoned all other plans and rendezvoused for our first ski in the Sawmill Creek Wetlands for a total of 5 km of blazing trails.
Meatballs at Ikea
We are into the wet and cool season here in Ottawa before skiing starts and so today Lynn and I did a walk to Ikea to pick up candles and LED light bulbs on our 20th date. While we were there we had a meatball lunch.
Dim Sum at T&T
In the pursuit of Dim Sum, Lynn and I traipsed down to the huge Asian grocery store T&T in Ottawa. We not only picked up Dim Sum supplies for home, but we had lunch at their Dim Sum bar too, which was packed on a Saturday.
At Mud Lake with Lynn
This time of year is too cold for biking and there is not yet enough snow for skiing, so Lynn and I did a hike to Mud Lake, a small natural area in Ottawa near Britannia.
Halloween Party with Lynn
Lynn invited me to a Halloween party at her neighbours, so we got dressed up and went!
More Ice Skating with Lynn
Lynn and I went skating again this week. We like skating together so much I am sure we will do more of that over the winter. I made a video of us skating together:
Ice Skating with Lynn
Lynn and I both got in our first skate of the winter, indoors at the local City of Ottawa ice rink! Public skating starts at the beginning of October here.
Biking with Lynn
Lynn and I have been taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather lately to get out and do some serious bike trips over to Quebec. On this trip we biked about 32 km from her end of town to Lac Leamy and return, stopping at the rock balancing sculptures as shown.
I also put together a video of our ride:
At the Nepean Sailing Club with Lynn
Lynn and I spent a day at the Nepean Sailing Club. We were supposed to get out sailing, but the winds were very high until late in the day. We had a fun time regardless.
With Chris at RibFest and Parliament Hill
On Saturday Chris and I went downtown to listen to some music in the Byward Market, see the sunset from Parliament Hill and have dinner at Ribfest.
Last Sail of the Season
Today was the last sail for Scotfree and her crew for this year and the final cruise was marked by a beautiful Indian Summer evening, lacking only one element: wind. There was not a breath of wind, so we motored out and had dinner on the Ottawa River. I managed to get out sailing eleven times with John and the crew this summer and it was definitely a highlight of the year for me.
Scattering Ruth's Ashes
On a small group of us completed the hike, I read a eulogy and then we scattered Ruth's ashes, as she had requested be done. It was a lovely day for a 10 km hike and no rain fell during our time on the escarpment. Ruth returned to the wind she came to us all from.
We also shot a video of the event:
- Video: Scattering Ruth's Ashes
- Ruth's eulogy
(36 kB download)
Bicycle Picnic at Lac Leamy
It was a surpisingly cool Sunday in September when my friend Cyndy and I biked up to Lac Leamy in Quebec for a biclyle picnic there. Cyndy took the opportunity to sketch the lake scene including the ducks and gulls.
Adam & Chris at the Gladstone Theatre
Chris and I had tickets to the opening night of Molière's The School For Wives at the Gladstone Theatre. The play was really well done and we enjoyed a great evening out together.
Adam & Chris at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum
Chris and I visited the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, got to sit in a Cessna 150 and saw a Twin Huey that I used to fly.
Adam & Chris at the Mer Bleue bog
Chris and I went to the prehistoric Mer Bleue bog in the east of Ottawa and walked the board walk though the unusual landscape. The bog is named from the fog that is often seen over it on spring mornings, that makes it look like a blue sea.
At the Ottawa Pride Parade
The Ottawa Pride Parade was huge this year, with many mainstream participants, like Loblaws, the Royal Bank and the TD Bank. All the major political parties were there too, except the bigoted one. I went with my friends Gwen, Shannon, Louis & Cyndy.
Adam's New and Improved Mountain Bike
In August I had some work done on my Norco Alpine mountain bike. While replacing the bottom bracket bearings the bike shop also replaced the cranks, chain-rings and front derailleur, upgrading it from its original 12-speed configuration to 18-speed! I also bought a new saddle for it, the third one it has had so far. This has all made the bike a lot more capable than it was.
Adam & Brenda at the Mackenzie King Estate
Brenda and I spent a cool rainy Friday afternoon at the Mackenzie King Estate. At least the tearoom was open!
With Cyndy at Rideau Falls & Rideau Hall
My friend Cyndy and I did a hike to Rideau Falls and onto Rideau Hall. The roses were all done for the year, but the grounds were lovely to see.
Jane Comes to Visit
Jane, my good friend from Owen Sound, came to Ottawa in July for BluesFest. We also did a bike trip on a lovely summer afternoon up to Mooney's Bay and Dow's Lake.
At the Ottawa Fringe Festival
My friend Cyndy and I saw three plays over two days at the Fringe: Deranged Dating, Paco P. Put To Sleep and Kitt and Jane: an interactive survival guide to the Near-Post-Apocalyptic Future. All were good, but the last one was really superb!
Volunteering at the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival
I volunteered for the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, held at Mooney's Bay, and was assigned to the "alternates crew", filling in wherever needed. My first day's assignment was on security at a remote back gate, while on the second day I was on "chair patrol" and the main north access gate. On my last day I was on accessability patrol, water, gate duty and finally bicycle parking.
First Sail of the Season
On Saturday I helped John rig the sails and rails and paint part of his ketch Scotfree and on Sunday we got her out sailing on the Ottawa River for the Commodore's Sail Past at the Britannia Yacht Club. Crew were John, Jim, Lisa and Janice, plus me.
Doug's Visit to Ottawa
My friend from 'way back in high school, Doug, came to stay for a while in early June.
We visited a number of popular tourist attractions, like Manoir Papineau in Montebello, Quebec, Laurier House in Ottawa, The Mackenzie King Estate in Gatineau Park, the Meech Creek Valley, Wakefield including Lester B. Peason's Grave.
The World Partnership Walk
I decided to do some volunteer work and got involved with the World Partnership Walk run by the Aga Khan Foundation Canada. They needed a last minute fill-in as Walk Marshall to organize and deploy about 50 volunteers and make the whole thing work. So I said I could do that and we made it happen.
Saturday was set-up and I had a team putting up signs, while Sunday was the walk event itself.
Catriking to the Mackenzie King Estate in Gatineau Park
I took my Catrike Speed recumbent trike and cycled up to the Mackenzie King Estate in Gatineau Park. The round trip was 75 km, but involves a lot of hills, making it a challenge. I hit 62 km/h coming back down one of the hills, though, a new record for me and the Speed.
This was the Ottawa Race Weekend when the marathon and other running races are held, so everyone was down in the city and the estate was pretty much deserted. The trike ride was a good workout, but I sure wish I had someone to cycle with, as doing these sorts of adventures alone is not much fun at all.
The Mackenzie King Estate is the former country home of our prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, who donated it to the nation in his will. He was an odd person and had some unusual hobbies, like governing the country by seance and collecting ruins, which he had assembled on his estate.
Working on the Ketch Scotfree with Janice
Janice and I have been invited to do some sailing this summer on John's boat Scotfree. Today the boat was lifted from its cradle and put back in the water by crane. We then helped raise the masts and set the rigging
Janice and I have decided that since our long term goals are so different that we are just going to be friends in the future.
There is also a video:
Two Years Without a Haircut
Today marks two years since Ruth last cut my hair on 13 May 2012. She made me promise to grow it down to the bottom of my shoulder blades, so I still have some distance to go.
Out Biking
The weather has finally warmed up in Ottawa and so I have been getting out biking while I can. This photo was taken on the Ottawa River, while I was on my way to meet my friend Rachel for dinner.
Catriking to Quebec
Today I went for my first Catrike ride and decided to head to Lac Leamy in Quebec. I didn't quite make it all the way there as the photos show.
I also shot a video:
Meatball Date
Janice wanted to get some shelves for her apartment at Ikea and asked me to come along. To make it more fun we had a dinner of Swedish meatballs while we were there.
Biking Season Starts
With a nice day and no rain at last I got out for my first bike ride of the season today, a short 12 km trip to Mooney's Bay and back.
Hike to the Britannia Yacht Club
Janice and I hiked from her apartment to look at the boats at the Britannia Yacht Club and especially Scotfree, the ketch we will be doing some sailing on this summer.
Planting a Tree For Ruth at Sati Saraniya
Janice, Louis and I went to the Sati Saraniya Buddhist Hermitage near Perth on Saturday where White Spruce trees were planted for three local Buddhists who recently died, including Ruth. The day was cool and rainy, but a number of people came to plant trees, have lunch with the nuns at the hermitage and then to do a short meditation and chanting.
I made a video of the tree planting part of the day
Hiking in Gatineau Park
Janice and I decided to go hiking in Gatineau Park on the Easter Weekend, so we had a picnic lunch up at Shilly Shally cabin. Afterwards we drove up to Wakefield and went to the bakery there as well as some of the curio shops. Being new to Ottawa, Janice got to see some new places and I got to play tour guide for her.
There is a video from our hike in Gatineau Park.
Second Date With Janice
For our second date Janice and I went to the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau.
First Date With Janice
Ruth made me promise to get out and meet someone new in April and not spend the whole summer alone. I met Janice on-line and we had our first date on 09 April 2014, a nice dinner out. We really liked each other and so decided to keep dating and see where it goes.
Skiing At The End Of March!
With more snow on the past weekend, the ski conditions were rejuvenated for a bit this week and I got out to the Sawmill Creek Constructed Wetlands once more. The conditions were quite mixed, with some parts quite fast and others hard and icy. In some places the sun was getting at the asphalt pathway and melting things.
I have never skied this late in the year before and certainly not down at the low elevations that we have in the city, as opposed to up high in Gatineau Park. With warm temperatures on the way for later this week this will probably be my last ski of the year.
I finished the ski season in March with 21 days of skiing and 132 km completed.
When the weather isn't up to XC skiing I often go skating instead. This year I have been skating at my local city facility, Jim Durrell Arena, five times. The indoor ice is always nice and smooth, unlike the Rideau Canal which can be pretty rough even at the best of times. As a bonus weekend skating has been free of charge at all arenas in the city, thanks to sponsorship from the Royal Bank.
The one disadvantage of being on my own these days is that all the photos are those darn "selfies".
Back Volunteering at NCF
I had to curtail my volunteer work at National Capital FreeNet in May 2013, due to Ruth's illness. I was able to start there once again today, helping people out with internet issues. It was good to be back!
98 km of Cross Country Skiing at Sawmill Creek
The ski conditions have continued to be very good here through the middle of February, at least up until today when we start into a four day thaw. I have managed to ski 16 days now out of the 20 days since 31 January and cover 98 km. Hopefully we will get some more snow after the melting is all finished.
The photo shows me with the still-incomplete Airport Parkway Pedestrian and Cycling Bridge. Construction started in 2011. The bridge should be completed late in 2014 or early in 2015, hopefully.
Matt & Katia in Ottawa
On the weekend of 15-16 February Matt & Katia came to Ottawa for the weekend and brought their two cats, Anton and Teddy. We all went skating on the Ottawa "Rink of Dreams", except the cats.
55 km of Cross Country Skiing at Sawmill Creek
The ski conditions here in the middle of this winter here in Ottawa have been really good, no freezing rain and no melting temperatures. So far I have been out skiing ten times and skied 55 km. Hopefully conditions will continue to be as good for a bit longer!
Ruth's Ashes Come Home
Today I retrieved Ruth's ashes in their container from the Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa. The Co-op staff were all great, they made the whole process very easy.
After Ruth's ashes were scattered on this container was donated back to the Co-op for their use. Ruth specifically didn't want me to keep it.
Cross Country Skiing at Sawmill Creek
Ever since Ruth died I have no longer needed to walk the 13.2 km to May Court and back every day, so to get some exercise and ensure I actually get out of the house I have been skiing in the Sawmill Creek Constructed Wetlands instead. Since we received 10 cm (4 in) of snow yesterday the conditions have been quite good and I blazed all new tracks in the fresh snow.
Ruth loved skiing the Wetlands, so I know she would have approved.
Ruth's Death at May Court
Ruth died from her cancer today at the Hospice at May Court.
When a patient dies at May Court they light a "Circle of Caring" candle for them and this photo shows Ruth's candle.
- Ruth's Memorial Page
- Ruth's aviation obituary
- Ruth's memorial on Diaspora
- Ruth's user page memorial on Wikipedia
- The Topic of Cancer, the book about Ruth's experiences with cancer
Ruth at May Court
Due to her her ongoing cancer, as the year opened Ruth was still staying at the Hospice at May Court. This is a continuation of her stay there in 2013.
She agreed to let me take these photos with her laptop's webcam on 03 January 2014, but asked me not to take any more photos of her after this, so these will be the last ones.