About Us

About Adam & Kathryn

Adam & Kathryn live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The two of us met on 05 September 2017 and have been together ever since. On 25 May 2018 we moved in together.

The two of us have a lot of interests in common, like sailing, biking, snowshoeing, cross county skiing and ice skating. We have a lot of fun together.

Kathryn is very talented and you will see photos here of the quilts she creates, for instance. She is also an accomplished folk singer and guitarist, although she is pretty modest about her skills. She is a retired chartered accountant, public school teacher and university teacher. Kathryn has a degree in commerce from Lakehead University and a degree in education from the University of Ottawa.

Adam has been an infantry officer, airplane, glider and helicopter pilot, peacekeeper, forest firefighter, lobbyist, association manager, writer, therapist and web developer. He is a graduate of the University of Manitoba in psychology and geography. Adam is a Linux reviewer for Full Circle magazine.

We both volunteer at the Nepean Sailing Club, too, doing such diverse tasks as dock rebuilding, public events tour guiding and safety boat crew for swimming events.

We have a 22 foot sailboat, named Vesper, which we sail in the summertime.

Some Things We Are Into

Here is just a list, in alphabetical order, of some things that we like, do, or generally support:

Adam's Computer Stuff

Over the years I have had a lot of involvement with computers. I started working on an IBM mainframe in 1978. Some of the programming was still run on cards back then! Later in the 1980s I worked on a DEC mainframe and even had e-mail in 1988.

Operating systems used since 1998:

Adam wearing Lubuntu t-shirt

As of , I write this website in HTML5 and CSS3 on the Ubuntu Cinnamon, using the gedit text editor.

This website was originally located on GeoCities from . On it was moved to National Capital Freenet (archives) and has been hosted there ever since.

In the rest of my websites were also moved to NCF hosting. These are: