Real Name: Lillian Crawly
Other Aliases: "Creepy" Crawly
Group Affiliation: Former member of Alpha Flight, Gamma Flight and Omega Flight
Legal Status: Citizen of Canada with a criminal record; pardoned by the Canadian Federal Government
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #11

Creator: John Byrne

        Absolutely nothing is known of Lillian Crawly's past before she became involved with Department H. The only thing known about her time with H before its original shutdown is that she was a member of the second tier training team called Gamma Flight and that she was romantically involved for a time with fellow member Madison Jeffries.

        Crawly was one of the members of Beta & Gamma Flights recruited by Jerry Jaxon into the criminal organization Omega Flight. Crawly was present for both of the original Omega's confrontations with Alpha. After each encounter Lil was incarcerated.

        Crawly was given a pardon by the Canadian Federal Government and released in order to join the new Gamma Flight. After regaining her freedom Lil decided to look up her old flame Jeffries, and ended up accompanying Alpha Flight on their journey through a variety of mystical dimensions at the hands of the Sorcerer.

        After returning to Earth Crawly stayed with Alpha rather than joining Gamma. Eventually she and Madison rekindled their romance, and the two married. Both retired from super-heroics after the wedding.

        Lil and Madison quarreled over the latter's decision to rejoin Alpha Flight. Not having heard from Madison in some time (and having cooled off a bit) Lil went to Department H headquarters to look for him. There she was forcibly sedated and restrained. Department scientists then began running experiments on her. One experiment apparently involved the removal of some internal tissue. It's unknown what methods the Department used to pierce Lil's skin.

        The experiments eventually evolved to where Dr. Huxley attempted to infect Lil with the Weapon X bacteria. Lil's invulnerability prevented this. Lil was eventually discovered in a holding tank by Mr. Gentry and Alpha Flight. The Weapon X bacteria were covering her skin.

        After being freed from her captivity at Department H, Lil Crawly was next seen as an inmate of the Neverland mutant concentration camp run by the Weapon X project. Lil was freed from Neverland along with most of the other inmates.

        Lil was one of the few mutants to keep her powers following the M-Day incident. Like most of the world's remaining mutants she eventually made her way to the X-Men's Utopia Isle, off the coast of San Francisco. There she was reunited with her estranged husband, and the two eventually reconciled.

        The reunion was shortlived. Soon afterwords Lil was killed by a mutant called Mortis during an attack on Utopia Isle.

        [Compiler's Note: Judging from information gathered from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition, Diamond Lil served as the basis for the Next Men character code-named White Diamond.]

        Diamond Lil was a mutant who possessed superhuman strength and an extreme degree of resistence to injury. Her skin was characterized as being "diamond hard"; at one time extreme measures were necessary to do a biopsy of a possible cancer tumor. Even Lil's hair shared this resistance to damage; in the past she employed one of her hairs as a garrotte.

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