Real Name: Jerome "Jerry" Jaxon
Group Affiliation: Former leader of Omega Flight
First Apearance: Alpha Flight #2
Last Appearance: Alpha Flight #12
Creator: John Byrne
Jerome "Jerry" Jaxon was boss to both
James Hudson and
Heather McNeil
at AmCan Petroleum. It was Jaxon who arranged
the sale of Hudson's exploratory super-suit to the American military, and
it was Jaxon on whom the brunt of executive displeasure fell when Hudson
stole the helmet that made operation of the suit possible.
After the theft Jaxon's life fell apart. First he lost his job. Then his
wife left him, taking their child with her. Blacklisted by Am-Can, Jaxon
was unable to find work, and he quickly slipped into poverty. In despair he
attempted to end his life. Jaxon's suicide attempt was thwarted by his
landlady, who found him hanging by his neck when she came for the rent. The
lack of oxygen had already caused brain damage, and Jaxon lost the use of his
Jaxon continued to live his life in despair until the first public
appearance of the hero known originally as Vindicator. Jaxon quickly
realized that Vindicator's abilities matched those created by Hudson's suit.
On impulse he contacted the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense
in Ottawa and asked to speak to Hudson. His suspicions were
confirmed when Hudson eventually picked up the line.
Now obsessed with revenge, Jaxon used his contacts in the petroleum
industry to arrange a meeting with executives of Roxxon Oil, an American
firm with a rather dubious reputation. Jaxon convinced the firm that
possession of Hudson's armor would be of benefit to them, and in return
Roxxon gave Jaxon the resources to gain his revenge.
Using a robot known as Delphine Courtney
as his "legs" Jaxon recruited the team of operatives that became known as
Omega Flight. It is still unknown
how Jaxon discovered his operatives' identities. Jaxon himself fought
alongside Omega in their first confrontation with
Alpha Flight using the
Box robot created by
Roger Bochs. Jerry Jaxon was killed by feedback from the
robot's control helmet when the robot was destroyed by James Hudson.
Jerome Jaxon was a bureaucrat
with no exceptional abilities whatsoever.