First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
Creator: John Byrne (Credit for the team name goes to Chris Claremont)

The roster as of New Avengers #16:
Guardian, Major Mapleleaf II, Puck, Puck II, Sasquatch, Shaman, Vindicator II.

Past members: Aurora/Jeanne-Marie, Box I, Diamond Lil, Groundpounder, Madison Jeffries, Marrina, Northstar, Sasquatch II, Snowbird, Wild Child, Windshear.

Former Associates: Ghost Girl, Sunfire, Wyre.

Note: Several members of Beta Flight were once members of Alpha. See individual entries.

        Alpha Flight began as the dream of one man: James MacDonald Hudson. In conjunction with the Canadian Federal Government, he created Department H, a top-secret branch of the Ministry of Defense. Working with the government, Hudson recruited a team of superhumanly capable operatives to defend Canada.

        An attempt to aid Gardner Monroe avoid certain doom recently resulted in a second group of Alphans running around. What happened to the duplicates is unclear; there have been statements from Marvel editorial that the duplicates are no longer in the picture.

        Tragedy struck Alpha Flight when the most recent lineup faced off against a being called the Collective. The sole survivor of the encounter was Sasquatch. The Canadian government has retired the name Alpha Flight for the time being.

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