Real Name: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight v2 #17
Creators: Steve Seagle & Duncan Rouleau

     The only thing known about third person code-named Weapon X is that he was a con-man from New Zealand. The man was acting as a tourist in Canada when he was kidnapped by Department H.
     Dr. Horation Huxley, a scientist with Department H, was experimenting with a bacteria called Thetagen-24. He was attempting to find a sympathetic host for the bacteria, turning a human being into a living biological weapon. After numerous failures (including Diamond Lil and Aurora) Huxley found success with the New Zealand man.
     Unfortunately for Huxley the man was able to escape, and went on a rampage accross Canada. Continually absorbing power in an effort to keep the bacteria from rupturing his containment suit, Weapon X made his way to a classified hazardous waste destruction facility that used a high-yield nuclear warhead. Two versions of Alpha Flight attempted to stop the rampage and then to stop X's suicide attempt with the bomb.
     In the end the new Weapon X sacrificed his life to make sure that the bomb exploded inside a containment facility rather than above ground.
     Weapon X demonstrated super-human speed, reflexes, senses and toughness. He could also absorb large quantities of energy into his containment suit. The Thetagen-24 bacteria that gave him these abilities formed a collective consciousness that Weapon X continually fought for control of his body. X's containment suit had a jet pack that allowed him to fly.

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