First Appearance (Mention): Alpha Flight v1 #1,
(Last incarnation as a super-team): Alpha Flight #76
Last Appearance as a super-team: Alpha Flight #90
Creator (Original): John Byrne
(Last version): James D. Hudnall
Gamma Flight started out as the
second tier training team in
James Hudson's Department H.
When Department H was dissolved for the first time by the Federal government,
this incarnation of Gamma Flight ended as well.
Gamma Flight was resurrected
when Alpha Flight was operating temporarily as guests
of the municipal government in Edmonton, Alberta. The Feds, irked at the
notion of an Alpha Flight they didn't control, began creating a new super-team
to take Alpha's place on the national stage. This team became the new Gamma
Unknown to the government their
decisions in the super-human arena were being influenced by the being known
as Llan the Sorcerer. Llan desired conflict between
Canadian super-humans to further his plans, and so it suited his purposes
that a new super-team be created.
After an
investigation into the "Sorcerer affair" Canada disbanded Gamma Flight as a
team of super-human operatives. The
name was then used to collectively refer to the research, design and support
staff at the new Department H until Alpha Flight's suspension and H's
third shutdown.
Since Department H became
active for the fourth time there has been no mention of Gamma Flight. The
name has apparently fallen into disuse.
Diamond Lil,
Madison Jeffries,
Smart Alec,
Wild Child.
Nemesis II,
Wild Child,