Real Name: Inapplicable
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #71
Creator: James D. Hudnall & John Calimee
Llan is an ancient source of mystic evil which is apparently bent on the
corruption of humanity. He pops up every ten thousand years or so, and each
time is faced by the bearer of the
Talisman. Each encounter
is apparently done under some form of rules. Whoever drew up these "rules of
engagement" is unknown.
In his most recent try, Llan took the form of a super-villain, since
it seemed appropriate to the time-period. He then proceeded to trick Talisman
into striking at him first, which freed him to act as he pleased. Llan
then trapped Talisman (along with the rest of
Alpha) in a series of
back-water dimensions for three months of real-world time. During that time he
proceeded to make and implement his plans.
The Canadian government of the time had plans to create a new
government controlled super-team. [Alpha was then acting as free
agents, based out of Edmonton. -C] Llan took control of this project and
influenced the leaders to outlaw Alpha Flight. This would lead to violence,
and it was violence of epic proportions that Llan needed to open the "Gateway
of Night", releasing an army of demons on Canada and the rest of the
Talisman eventually succeeded in defeating Llan by opening the
counterpart to the Gateway of Night: the Gateway of Day. [I know, I know.
What a cliche, huh? It's not as bad as it sounds here though. - C]
Apparently, according to the rules of engagement, the two opposing armies
cancel each other out if they exist on the same plane simultaneously.
With Llan's defeat all of his actions were reversed and everything returned
to normal.
Llan is one of those fun characters that have too much power to
quantify or qualify. So there. :)