DMK's Guide logo

              This Guide to Alpha Flight is compiled by Dwayne MacKinnon ( It compiles the histories of characters that are wholly owned and copyrighted by Marvel Comics. This compiled history is not meant to infringe on said ownership or copyright in any way.
              This document may be recopied freely, but this notice should be enclosed. Posting to newsgroups, adding to WWW pages or uploading to ftp archives should only be done after asking permission from the compiler. [I like to know where my stuff ends up. :) -C]
              All comments on this work, critical and otherwise, are welcomed.

              Alrighty then, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. My name's Dwayne MacKinnon, and I'm a long-time comics fan currently living in Ottawa, Ontario. This site is the HTML-ized version of a long-running project of mine, the Guide to Alpha Flight.

        Obviously I've been running a little behind. Marvel Comics has put out and cancelled Alpha Flight v3 already, Omega Flight has come and gone... and I still don't have the site updated much past v2. To whatever fans this site used to have, I apologize. I'm currently working on updates. Hopefully, one day soon, I'll have caught up to the present-day Marvel Universe.

        As for what this site is: The Guide is basically a set of hyperlinked Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe style entries for Alpha Flight.

           As such, this site is low on flashy gimmicks. Unlike the actual OHOTMU it doesn't even have pictures. What it does have is fairly comprehensive histories of the major characters that were created or appear in Alpha Flight. Depending on your browser, you might have frames. :) In fact, if you're viewing this notice squooshed into another site's frames, CLICK HERE to solve that.

           If you've chosen the "Clear Frames" option and would like to get the frames back, CLICK HERE to do that.

     I created this web site for two reasons. The first was that a project like the Guide can make nice use of HTML cross-referencing. The second was because Marvel started publishing Alpha Flight v2 in 1997. So, I decided I needed a forum where I could update the Guide easily on a regular basis. At least, than was the plan. Real life and other such commitments have prevented me from updating it as much as it should have been the past ten years or so.

           Previously the Guide had been archived in a simple-text format at Seng Mah's excellent Net Alpha page. I considered asking Seng to keep the new Guide there as well, but decided that all the updating I wanted to do would be a bit unfair to him. Still though, I owe Seng much thanks. The basic look of this site is based off of his format for the Guide, and the nice graphical logo I use is his work as well. All I did was cross-reference and spruce-up the text formatting a bit. So to Seng goes a hearty thank-you; I couldn't have done this without him.

           The Guide is in alphabetical order. Where a character is listed by a real name instead of a code-name, the order is by their FIRST name. So Madison Jeffries is listed in the "M" section, not the "J".

           A good starting point is the "A" section of the Guide. The first listing is for the Alpha Flight team. The Alpha Flight entry still has links to most of the characters past and present that have been members, so even in its out-of-date state it's somewhat useful.

     I love to get feedback on this site; please feel free to mail me at to let me know what you think.

Happy browsing!


      A             B             C             D             E             F      
      G             H            I             J            K             L      
      M             N             O             P             Q             R      
      S             T            U             V             W            X      
     Y             Z      

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