Real Name: Inapplicable
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #56
Creators: Bill Mantlo & Jim Lee

        The creature known only as the Dreamqueen is the daughter of the cosmic being known as Nightmare, and an unnamed Succubus. Like all her kind, the child was born by taking over the body of the mother, effectively killing "mom".

        The Dreamqueen was born in a dimensional backwater where she was capable of influencing the surroundings by sheer force of will. This amused her for a few centuries until she grew bored. It was then that a Native American [Canadian :) - C] shaman stumbled upon her realm while on an astral quest for his "sky gods." The shaman was seeking help to end a drought. The Dreamqueen, excited at the thought of getting out of her dimensional prison, gave the shaman directions on how to create a relic she said would help him. In reality the device would enable the Dreamqueen to influence the shaman's people and eventually form a gate to Earth. The plan was thwarted by Nightmare, who helped one of the tribe's warriors to stop the plot. Nightmare apparently found frustrating his daughter's ambitions to be amusing.

        In recent years the Dreamqueen's solitude was interrupted by the person known only as Goblyn. Curious about this creature that she had not created, the 'queen helped it to survive in her dimension. After a time Goblyn's sister, Laura Dean, began using her mutant powers to switch places with Goblyn. The Dreamqueen aided Dean as well, making "Liveworld" (as Dean called the 'queen's dimension) a pleasant place for Laura to stay in. Eventually, however, the Dreamqueen manipulated events so that Alpha Flight was dragged across the dimensions to her realm. A massive fight ensued, as the 'queen sought to force Alpha to bring her back to Earth.

        At the time the former Alphan known as Puck was in Tibet, looking to find a way to other dimensions in search of adventure. The High Lama that he sought out offered him the option to travel to the dimension that currently housed his former friends. Out of a sense of duty Puck agreed. The opening of the dimensional portal returned Alpha to Earth, and the Dreamqueen took advantage of the portal to escape her realm.

        On Earth the 'queen could only rearrange people's perceptions of reality, not the reality itself. Puck realized this, and was able to use mental discipline to walk right through the Dreamqueen's "Dream Demons" and battle the 'queen herself. Alpha then succeeded in pushing the Dreamqueen through the portal and back to her realm. Puck was inadvertantly forced through as well.

        Just as her defeat was certain, the 'queen managed to "seed" Alpha Flight with mystic energy. This energy allowed her to influence the team, in minor ways at first, but then in much more powerful ways. As her influence grew, so did the power of the mystic energy she had used, until at last there was enough power for the 'queen to create another gate to Earth. Leaving Puck behind in her realm, the Dreamqueen proceeded to Edmonton, Alberta and from there she started spreading her influence accross the world.

        The Dreamqueen was finally defeated by Alpha Flight and Laura Dean opened a portal that sent the 'queen to ANOTHER dimensional backwater; this one being even further from Earth.

        The Dreamqueen has appeared twice since. The first time was when Laura Dean accidentally used her powers to transport most of Beta Flight to the dimension she sent the 'queen. This occured as Dean was awaking from a coma.

        On the second occasion it became apparent that the 'queen has learned to touch the sleep of mortal men from her current dimension of residence. She has done so on two occasions. This power is quite similar to her father Nightmare's abilities.

        The Dreamqueen is capable of rearranging the submatter that makes up certain dimensions where reality is more "fluid" than that of Earth. She is also capable of creating illusions so realistic that people believe them to be reality. Finally, the Dreamqueen has developed the ability to touch the dreams of Earth people from her current dimension. At the time she first demonstrated this ability she also demonstrated a gift for prophecy.

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