Real Name: Kyle Gibney
Former Aliases: Weapon Omega, Wildheart
Group Affiliation: Weapon X. Former member of X-Factor, former member of Alpha Flight, former member of Omega Flight, former member of the first two incarnations of Gamma Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #11
Creator: John Byrne

        Kyle Gibney is a mutant whose parents kicked him out of their lives when he developed obvious mutations at puberty. Living on the streets, he was abducted by the subversive organization called the Secret Empire. There the Empire used DNA from the man called Wyre, along with drugs and other methods, to turn the young man into a perfect killing machine. While a captive of the Empire Kyle met Valerie Cooper, an up-and-coming bureaucrat who mistakenly believed she was working for a UN-sponsored organization.

        Unfortunately for the Empire, Wyre developed something of a conscience. Deciding that these "offspring" created from his DNA were too monstrous to live, Wyre stormed the Empire's Canadian complex and killed almost all he found there. Kyle managed to survive and was found by a Ministry of Defence investigative team.

        General Jeremy Clarke approached Department H with two options: either take Kyle into the super-powers program or the Military would "liquidate" him. At the time, James Hudson was away, and Walter Langkowski had to make the command decision. Langkowski opted to take the boy, thinking H could help him. Walt also fudged psychiatric test results in order to make it possible. Kyle was inducted into Gamma Flight as Wild Child.

        Wild Child remained a member of Gamma Flight until Department H's original disbanding by the Canadian government. Subsequently, he was recruited by the criminal organization called Omega Flight, and he participated in both of that group's altercations with Alpha Flight.

        Sometime after his second capture with Omega, Wild Child escaped from custody and he was living in his old apartment. He was also responsible for a string of murders. Heather Hudson investigated, and was nearly killed herself. Kyle was eventually stopped by Wolverine. His responsibility for the killings was never proven in a court of law.

        Later Kyle, (like his team-mate Diamond Lil,) was pardoned by the gov't for his Omega activities and he then joined the new Gamma Flight. He served with the team until it was disbanded, when he proceeded to go berserk and severely injure Alpha associate Laura Dean, aka Pathway. Gamma Flight leader Nemesis teleported away with Wild Child after an altercation with Guardian II and Wolverine.

        When Wild Child next appeared he had been cerified as being completely under control by doctors in the new Department H. He joined the team as Weapon Omega to act as a covert operative. Eventually he took the code-name Wildheart. He served with the team until Alpha was suspended following the Joshua Lord incident.

        During Alpha Flight's i suspension Kyle reverted to his former ugly duckling appearance. [Kyle's appearance had steadily improved over the years until the point that he was a fairly attractive individual. -C] Feeling ashamed over this, he began to feel unworthy of a relationship he had started with his team-mate Aurora. In order to get away, he accepted a request by his old friend Val Cooper to assist the U.S. Government mutant team called X-Factor. Aurora followed him to the U.S., where the two had a violent confrontation. At that point Kyle decided to remain with X-Factor.

        Kyle left X-Factor after his body began mutating uncontrollably. After leaving the group he was forcibly recruited by the new Weapon X project. The project's experiments have left him with a distinctly vampiric appearance (very like the movie Nosferatu ) and an encounter with his team-mate Sabretooth has rendered him mute.

        Kyle Gibney is a mutant with enhanced speed, agility, senses and he also has razor-sharp claws.

         Kyle possesses a feral, beastial nature courtesy of the Secret Empire's experiments on him. He currently struggles to keep that nature under control. For a time, Kyle was able to firmly control that part of him and use it to add ferocity to his fights. At that time Kyle would still maintain complete control over all of his actions.

        Before joining Alpha Flight as Weapon Omega Kyle received extensive hand-to-hand combat training. That, combined with his powers and ferocity, made him one of Alpha's most dangerous combatants in a close-up fight.

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