Real Name: Unknown.
Group Affiliation: Former associate of Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #114
Creators: Simon Furman & Pat Broderick

        Next to nothing is known of the man who calls himself Wyre. Apparently his DNA was used by the Secret Empire to create super-human operatives. When Wyre developed a conscience, he decided to hunt down these "children" of his and put an end to them. He was attempting to do the same to Alpha Flight member Kyle Gibney when Gibney and Alpha stopped him.

        Wyre was taken into custody at that point by Alpha Flight. Although he demonstrated early on that he was capable of escaping at any time, he oddly showed no real desire to do so. Instead Wyre used his imprisonment as a chance to reflect on the directions his life had taken him. After nonchalantly leaving his cell a few times too many Heather Hudson decided to give him free run of Department H.

        Wyre then set out to win his hosts' trust. On two notable occasions his presence made a huge difference to the team. The first was when he saved Mannikin's life by stopping a bunch of super-human hating zealots. The second was when Alpha Flight was forced to battle Witchfire at Department H headquarters.

       When Alpha Flight's was shut down following the Joshua Lord matter Wyre had shown no desire to leave the team, even though he was not officially a member. His activities and whereabouts in the time since are not known.

        Wyre is a mutant with the ability to project and control "wires" of inorganic fibre from his shoulders. He is also an expert with various forms of weaponry.

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