Real Name: Laura Dean
Group Affiliation: Former member of Beta Flight
First Appearance: (Cameo): Alpha Flight #48 (Real): Alpha Flight #53
Creators: Bill Mantlo & Jim Lee
You know what? Most of
Laura's history has already been covered under
I think in the interest of bandwidth I'll refer you to her
There are a few additional
matters to clear up, though. Laura Dean was at one point
severely wounded by the mutant named Wild Child. Laura
slipped into a coma after this incident. The hospital found her next-of-kin,
and this led to Alpha Flight meeting Laura's
parents. At that time Heather Hudson stated her
intention for the team to seek legal guardianship of Laura and Goblyn; whether
this was ever followed up is not known.
Upon waking from her coma
Dean accidentally transported herself, Goblyn,
Persuasion, Witchfire
and her parents to the dimensional backwater where she had banished the
Dreamqueen. Upon the group's return from that
dimension, and after an adventure vs. the Master,
Dean joined Beta Flight as Pathway. Laura has
not appeared since that version of Beta was disbanded after Alpha Flight v1
Laura Dean is a mutant capable
of opening portals to different
dimensions. She can also make portals to different locales on Earth,
as she did when she sent China Force home. It's not known whether or not her powers survived the M-Day incident.