Real Name: Amelia Weatherly
Other Aliases: Jane
Group Affiliation: Former member of Alpha Flight, former leader of Gamma Flight, former leader of the Children of the Night
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #76
Creators: James D. Hudnall, John Byrne & Dave Ross
[Nemesis II uses the same costume as the original, hence the credit for Byrne. Dave Ross is the first penciller to show what she looks like under the costume. -C]
The second person to call herself Nemesis was born Amelia Weatherly, and was killed in the 1920s after having a relationship with an African-Canadian policeman named Rutherford Princeton. Somehow Amelia became "attached" to what she refers to as her "soul sword", which revived her to some form of life. Describing herself as both an anarchist and a living spirit of retribution, she moved to Canada and became involved with a cult-like group called the Children of the Night. Coming to the attention of the Canadian Federal Government she was recruited to lead Gamma Flight. Why she agreed to lead a government-led super-team is a mystery.
Nemesis led Gamma in a fairly capable manner until the team was disbanded following the Sorcerer affair. During her time with Gamma the other members knew her by the name Jane. After the official disbanding of Gamma she acted to keep Wild Child out of Alpha Flight's hands and disappeared.
Nemesis next appeared when Wild Child went looking for some answers about the time period immediately after she "rescued" him from Alpha Flight. After Wild Child (and Alpha Flight) saved her from a superhuman called Roc, Nemesis accompanied them back to Alpha Flight headquarters.
Nemesis then continued to hang around Alpha Flight until the group disbanded at the end of the
Joshua Lord matter. She never actually joined the team however. At some point she was incarcerated by the authorities for unknown crimes.
Nemesis remained incarcerated until Dr. Walter Langkowski went looking for people to form a new Alpha Flight. Walt forcibly conscripted Nemesis by threatening to sever her link with her sword, ending her unlife. [I presume the nature of Nemesis' existence was established either during her time with Gamma Flight or during her incarceration. -Compiler] This reunited Weatherly with her former lover, Princeton, now the 97 year-old superhuman called Centennial. This may explain why, after completeing the mission that led Langkowski to recruit her, Nemesis expressed a desire to remain with the team.
Nemesis was not a part of the Alpha Flight team killed by the Collective.
Nemesis II uses the same sword as the original Nemesis. It can cut through almost anything, and enables her to fly. In some unexplained way the sword is what's keeping Nemesis "alive". If she is separated from it she becomes almost completely helpless.
Nemesis has used a teleportation device in the past; it's unknown if she still has access to it.
[Compiler's Notes: Scott Lobdell hinted throughout Alpha Flight v3 that there has only ever been one Nemesis. It was never made an explicit fact, and I find the merger of the two a poor fit. Much better would be that the sword somehow "chose" Weatherly after St. Ives crumbled into dust. This would contradict Lobdell's origin sequence for Nemesis a bit, but it still works better, imho.]