Real Name: Colin Ashworth Hume
Group Affiliation: Former member of Alpha Flight,
former "mentor" to Beta Flight.
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #87
Creator: Fabian Nicieza & Michael Bair
Colin Ashworth Hume was born
in Canada, but moved to England at an
early age. After discovering his mutant abilities Hume got a job as a special
operative for Roxxon Oil. In this capacity he encountered
Alpha Flight
members Madison Jeffries and
Lillian Crawly.
Jeffries succeeded in bringing Roxxon prisoner
James Hudson out of his comatose
state. Colin, ashamed of whom he was working for, accompanied the three
back to Canada. When Alpha Flight reorganized after the
Sorcerer affair, Hume was made part of the
During his time with Alpha Flight Colin gradually became more comfortable
with the role of super-hero. He aided the team by using his Roxxon experience
as chief administrator. He also became a mentor to the secondary team of
adventurers called Beta Flight.
[Heh heh heh. I still get a
kick out of 'Shear being mentor to Beta... when pretty much all of them had
more experience at the hero game then he did at the time. :-) - C]
Hume retired from super-heroics
after Alpha Flight was disbanded following the
Joshua Lord incident. It has also been reported
that he was one of the mutants depowered during
This has presumably robbed Hume of his livelihood, as he was living in London,
England, making a living by selling objects made of "hard air."
(Hume had honed his powers to the point where he could create permanent objects
using his ability.) The hard air objects that still exist can be made visible
using special lighting, and command a high price
Windshear had the ability to
create "hard air". The ability had a large number of potential applications,
from the obvious (shields, "force blasts") to the subtle. [Like using it to
turn the air in a gymbag solid, and then using the bag as a bludgeon. - C]
He could also turn liquids "solid," although he rarely did so. Hume's powers
were capable of killing the average person in an instant.
Colin used a set of armor he got from Roxxon as physical
protection and a mode of transportation. [The armor could fly. -C] Whether he still possesses the armor is unknown.