Real Name: Unknown. Shaman called her Ananym ONCE, in Alpha #94
Group Affiliation: Former member of Beta Flight, former member of Gamma Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #76
Creator: James D. Hudnall & John Calimee

        The girl known as Witchfire is apparently the daughter of the immortal sorcerer called Belasco. [Don't believe me? She talks about bringing her father's masters into this world. And look at the art in AF v1 #124. That's Belasco or I'll eat my hat. - C] She herself has no knowledge of this, and is suffering from a form of amnesia. At one point Witchfire regained her memory and attacked Alpha Flight in her father's name. After a fierce battle with Alpha her Beta Flight team-mate Manikin convinced her to reject her father's plans. At that point Witchfire once again lost her memory.

        How Witchfire came to the knowledge of Canadian Government officials and how she came to join the gov't controlled Gamma Flight is unknown. After Gamma's disbanding she joined Beta Flight in order to train under Shaman and Talisman.

        Witchfire is a sorceress whose abilities are mostly unquantified. Indeed, she herself has no idea of how much she's capable of.

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