First Appearance (in the Shadows): Alpha Flight #64
First full Appearance (Named): Alpha Flight #69
Creator: James D. Hudnall

Roster (as of 1994 X-Force Annual): Ox, Rat, Snake
Former members (as of 1994 X-Force annual): Dog, Horse, Rabbit (all deceased), Jade Dragon, Monkey

        When China Force first appeared they were in Canada looking to reclaim a wayward team-mate, the Jade Dragon.

        While in Canada, the team was tricked into fighting Alpha Flight by the mind-manipulating powers of the Dreamqueen. Alpha defeated the team and Flight member Laura Dean opened a teleportational gateway that returned China Force home.

        The team appeared again in a story in the 1994 X-Force annual. By that time Jade Dragon had left the team, and the operative called Rabbit was killed by the entity named Reignfire.

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