Group Affiliation: Former member of Beta Flight, former member of the Derangers
First Appearance (appeared): Alpha Flight #48 (named): Alpha Flight #53
Creators: Bill Mantlo & Jim Lee

        Goblyn [Who has no real name... according to legal records she was never born - C] had the extreme misfortune of developing obvious mutations while still in utero. The reason this was unfortunate was because her parents were mutant-hating bigots. The parents decided to use radiation to kill the mutated child, while saving her twin sister, who was apparently not a mutant.

        During the procedure the apparently normal child of the two moved to protect her twin and then the mutated twin vanished. The parents happily concluded that the radiation had vaporized the "monster," and later they gave birth to a "normal" baby girl, named Laura. Neither belief was true.

        Instead, the truth was that the "normal" girl, Laura, had somehow instinctively activated her own mutant power while in the womb and created an interdimensional portal. This portal sent Goblyn to the realm of the being called the Dreamqueen. Goblyn survived there with the 'queen's help. [What I have never been able to figure out is how Mrs. Dean survived this. -C]

        Laura made her first published appearance at the New Life Clinic, the base of Lionel Jeffries, aka Scramble, the Mixed-Up Man. It's not known what she was doing there, but she was apparently a captive. She and three fellow prisoners escaped while Alpha Flight was confronting the insane Dr. Jeffries.

        Laura then appeared as part of the Derangers, a group made up of herself and Scramble's other prisoners. This "team" was put together by Bedlam, an insane creature with mental powers. Bedlam forced the Derangers and Alpha Flight to fight each other. Laura only used her powers to switch places with Goblyn.

        After the fight, Goblyn was "adopted" by Alpha Flight, despite misgivings. She remained with Alpha Flight until the end of Alpha Flight v1, with the exception of a sabbatical when she and Laura lived with Kara Kilgrave and Kara's mom. She eventually became part of Beta Flight and made great strides in "civilizing" herself, although she had not learned how to speak as of her last appearance. Goblyn's whereabouts and activities since Alpha Flight v1 #130 have not been revealed.

        Just what super-human capabilities Goblyn possesses has never been stated outright. She appears to be swifter than normal, and possesses extremely sharp claws. She is also quite agile. It is worthwhile to note that whenever Kara Kilgrave has attempted to use her mind-controlling powers on Goblyn, a mind-link has been formed instead. It's not known whether or not her mutations survived the M-Day incident.

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