Real name: Inapplicable
Group Affiliation: Former member of Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight v2 #1
Creators: Steve Seagle & Scott Clark

        The creature known as Sasquatch was quite simply that: a sasquatch, or bigfoot, or yeti, or abominable snowman... whatever name you chose to give him. A supposedly mythical beast, he was unfortunately caught on film at a time when Department H was looking for all the ex-Alpha Flight members it could find. Thinking the beast was Walter Langkowski, Department H captured the sasquatch.

        Sas II escaped from Department H at one point, thanks to some mysterious outside help. H sent Puck out to track the beast down. Puck did so, and discovered the truth after finding the sasquatch with his family. The two Alphans were then ambushed by Epsilon Flight troopers and brought back to Department H. Puck has had his memory of the truth wiped. It is unclear when Department H officials first discovered they were mistaken about the sasquatch's true identity.

        Unfortunately. what the Department knew, and when it knew it, is now irrelevant. Sasquatch was killed while protecting Radius from a bio-engineered living weapon. The weapon quite simply ate the creature, stripping it down to the bones.

        Sasquatch was extremely large, tough and strong. He was also quite ferocious in a fight, and quite indiscriminate as to whom he picked his battles with. [Sasquatch had been known to attack team-mates. -C] Despite his limitations he possessed some noble characteristics, such as the protective instinct that led him to save Radius.

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