The Zodiac is a criminal organization with a long and illustrious history in the Marvel Universe. The cartel exists due to the actions of the Zodiac Key, a semi-sentient object of power from another dimension. The Key thrives on conflict, and was sent to our dimension to create conflict and renew its power.
The Zodiac is made up of members which take the names of the signs of the astrological zodiac. It has traditionally been run by Scorpio, who usually has possession of the Zodiac Key. Zodiac members have been both human and Life Model Decoys. [A.k.a. androids. -C]
The latest incarnation of the Zodiac was run by its Scorpio, who apparently possessed the Key. What connections this incarnation has to previous Zodiacs (other than the Key) is unknown. This version of the cartel utilized teleportation technology based on the classical mystical elements associated with each Zodiac sign.
To explain: past civilizations believed that everything was made up of four elements: fire, air, earth & water. Each Zodiac sign is connected to one of these elements. For example, Scorpio is a water sign, while Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs. It has been strongly implied that a Zodiac member can only use the teleporter associated with his or her element.
This version of the Zodiac first appeared when they were hired by Department H to make a terrorist threat more credible. Zodiac member Taurus was seriously injured by Flex during the fight and Virgo went missing. Scorpio has sworn eternal enmity to both Alpha Flight and Department H as a result of that encounter.
The complete Zodiac invaded Department H
headquarters in order to steal the dimensional travel device called the Nth Projector. What Scorpio intended to do with the projector is unclear at this point. The point is moot, however. Marvel writer Kurt Busiek has said that the Nth Projector used by August Champion in Avengers was stolen from the Zodiac.
The loss of the projector is only one setback the Zodiac have encountered. The organization was decimated when Weapon X operatives kidnapped Madison Jeffries. It's unknown if the organization is still in operation at this point.
Members of note include:
- Gemini
- Pisces: Pisces can apparently transform herself into living water.
- Scorpio: The leader. Scorpio has the Zodiac Key, and gathered or created
the other members. It has been hinted that he was regarded as a hero at some
point in the past. It has also been hinted that he has a master plan that the
others know nothing about. Scorpio is very protective of Virgo.
- Taurus: A large, aggressive individual with a minotaur-like appearance.
Although Alpha Flight member Flex believed he had killed Taurus in the
first fight between the two teams, Taurus has apparently fully recovered
from his injuries. He'd also like to get his hands on Flex.
- Virgo: Nothing is known about Virgo's capabilities. As her name suggests,
she is an attractive young woman. During the Zodiac's first encounter with
Alpha Flight she was somehow sent to Paris by
Scorpio is aided by a mysterious seer called the Ecliptic. Nothing is known about this old woman, except that she is apparently a part of Scorpio's master plan.