Real Name: Shiro Yoshida
Group Affiliation: Big Hero 6, former associate of Alpha Flight, former member of the X-Men
First Appearance: X-Men v1 #64
Creators: Roy Thomas & Don Heck

        Shiro Yoshida gained his mutant powers as an indirect result of the nuclear bombs used on Japan during World War II. He was invited to join both the first and second teams called X-Men, and briefly joined the second. Sunfire was always more interested in serving his home country of Japan, however.

        In recent years Yoshida took to wearing an advanced costume of cybernetic technology to enhance his powers. This proved to be his undoing. The mutant Master of Magnetism called Magneto unleashed a tremendous magnetic pulse against the world, which completely scrambled the suit. As the suit was closely linked to him, Shiro's powers were scrambled as well. He began to have difficulty controlling them.

        At the same time anti-mutant sentiment in Japan was on the rise. On the advice of Wolverine Shiro journeyed to Canada to seek help from Logan's friends, James and Heather Hudson. Attempting to enter the country from the United States he was stopped at the border. When he decided to fly across anyway he was ambushed by Epsilon Flight troopers and knocked unconscious.

        Once at Department H Shiro underwent extensive testing. Department doctors claimed that he was suffering from radiation poisoning brought on by his powers. At the same time, Shiro began undergoing some radical changes in his body.

        The doctors were actually lying to Yoshida. Department doctors, led by Doctor Huxley, were actually experimenting on him using a limitless energy source called zero fluid. How Huxley got ahold of zero fluid is unknown; all known samples were thought to be destroyed. Believing he was dying, Shiro returned home to Japan. There his situation stabilized somewhat, and he joined the Japanese super-team called Big Hero 6.

        Shiro Yoshida is a mutant with the ability to heat the air until it reaches a super-heated state called plasma. He uses this as an offensive weapon and as a means of flight.

        As a result of Department H's experiments upon him, one side of Sunfire's body is now purplish-black in colour. He is also filled with energy from the zero fluid. He finds this energy very difficult to control, and the energy has vast destructive power when unleashed.

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