Real Name: Lillian von Loont
Group Affiliation: Onetime partner of Diablo
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #20
Final Appearance: Alpha Flight Annual #1
Creator: John Byrne
The woman known as Gilded Lily was widowed in a carriage crash near
the castle of the infamous alchemist, Esteban Diablo. His servants
nursed her back to health, and she and Diablo soon became lovers. The
alchemist also began teaching her the secrets of his lore.
However, the local villagers rose in rebellion, and Diablo was sealed
in a well before he had taught her the secret of his immortality. Nonetheless,
using her own experiments, Lillian found a way to prolong her life. Finding a link between immortality and gold, she decided to get revenge on those who had betrayed Diablo. Since Diablo was sealed away for eternity [Actually, he was freed by the Fantastic Four -C], Lily sealed each ringleader in a casing of gold. The casing made them immortal, but prevented them from moving.
In recent years, Sasquatch came to inherit Lily's
home on Tamarind Island off British Columbia. Apparently
Walter Langkowski was descended from a close relative of one of the men Lily
married and then trapped. Unknown to himself or the authorities, Lily
was still alive, and still living in the house. After trapping Walter in one of her golden casings, Lily captured Aurora and related her story.
Langkowski escaped from his golden prison by transforming into his orange-furred alter-ego. During the following fight, Sasquatch snatched away Lily's protective face-mask, and Lily proceeded to crumble into dust. The house was also destroyed.
However, due to the potions that she had doused herself with all her
life, Lily's spirit survived. The Canadian government built Alpha Flight a headquarters on Tamarind Island, and Lily posessed the new building. Lily
then proceeded to free her lover Diablo from prison and attempted to take
Aurora's body as a new physical form. The attempt failed, and Lily's
spirit was at last destroyed.
Gilded Lily was an alchemist second only to her mentor, Diablo. She was capable of innumerable magical effects using her potions.