Hours Bank Canada Public Social Insurance Across the Generations Defending your Charter rights to life, liberty and security of the person
Your new public pillar of
Canadian Social Security
Help someone in need.
Bank your hours.
Receive help later in life.
Social Security Across the Generations UCNewsCanada (at) gmail.com
Whoever you are and wherever you are, you are free to use the Hours
Bank idea and name to tackle the greatest challenge of our time, real
life security across the generations. Under Section 7 of our Canadian
Charter, you are free to tackle anything key to life security or life itself,
from food security to seniors care, ecologic health and more.
Now is the time to gather friends and family, form clubs and local
HoursBank chapters, fundraise and care.
Asking for and receiving help is a fundamental human right and freedom.
How you choose to use your time is a Charter-protected activity, a Section 2 Freedom of Expression.
The Hours Bank belongs to you, so you can freely use it. No permission required.
Run a fundraiser. Read our Fundraising Manager guide.
Canadian Social Security
Give the
Gift of Help
Example 3” x 5” fundraising badge.
Copy, download or make your own.
Print on sticky paper or put in a badge holder.
You can also download and use our
Climate Kids logo for fundraising.
From YouthWorks to SeniorsCare.
There’s no need to ask permission.
your name here
Fundraising Managers are now needed to help build our new pillar of Canadian Social Security. Welcome to the Hours Bank.
Help someone in need. Bank your hours. Get help later in life. This is social care across the generations, a robust response to
Canadians in crisis.
Placing ads and notices locally, or organizing events, you can easily find and manage a team and get them set up. Thinking of
medium and longer-term strategies using your outreach and project management skills across all frontiers of media and
We have a strong door-knocking campaign needed not just for immediate fundraising but as a necessity person-to-person
outreach and connection. This is a rich field of endeavour, in which you will find a role and place for everyone to belong.
As the Hours Bank is designed like Wikipedia for open-source contributors, you will find and manage volunteers and groups with
causes that also bank their hours.
You can connect with community partners in business, promoting the benefits of healthy communities.
You will form networks of friends and family, getting help to those that need it most. Support for families. Get care to seniors.
Connecting people to create new green jobs, defending the lives of young Canadians. Tackling major issues, and rousing an entire
generation into action.
Gathering volunteers, organizing groups, inventing marketing strategies and running campaigns.
Forming community connections with all social organizations with volunteers.
Banking their volunteer hours to receive support later in life.
You have natural instincts for forming community connections. Creating networks inspiring people to act. Generating national
pride in building a great Canadian system of care for people and the ecosystems that sustain our lives as the sole basis of the
You know you can get great things done. You are positive and proactive, an inspiring leader that naturally frees everyone around
you to also do great things.
Hours Bank Canada Humanitarian Volunteer Network
Our planet is dying. We are the cause. As countries fail and fall into war, disease and starvation as the direct result of
plundered ecosystems, Canada has no plan to involve the Canadian people in significant response plans. Quite to the
contrary, local governments have active plans to stop coordinated efforts of citizens to attain work, food and housing
security, plunging many into crisis and crippling any capacity to respond locally or nationally. Hours Bank Canada
aims to restore caring social connectivity, securing a healthy social, ecologic and economic balance to allow robust
response to these most urgent issues.
We need to quickly create a Canadian Humanitarian Volunteer Network using Supreme Court of Canada directives to
secure our universal and Section 7 Charter Rights to life, liberty and security of the person. These rights and freedoms
being protected after two World Wars under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, united and unanimous in our
common human needs. Today, we have again reached global consensus of the dangerous state of the world, with
humanity fully united in a factual grasp of the state of the world with its dangerously degraded ecosystems,
atmosphere, farms, forests and fisheries. Caring parents, deeply concerned for the lives and fate of their children, are
the most powerful force on the planet. We are united by care for people and the ecosystems that sustain our lives as the
sole basis of our economy.
The most important document in world history, the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity, now outlines the fate of
nations and your children. But goes further to describe the friendly community-based actions needed to divert disaster.
We now have easy access to the full body of knowledge needed to go green and sustainable. In Canada, we can easily
attain a life security plan meeting all essential human needs securing the lives and future of our children. Let us do this
now. And further, let us do this in active care for those in distress worldwide, acting uniquely or as strong supporters of
the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), recognized leading experts in
humanitarian care and aid.
Join us at HoursBank.ca to grow food, restore ecosystems, create new green jobs for this generation. Help someone in
need. Bank your hours. Receive help later in life. This is social security across the generations, getting care to seniors
and families in distress. Under parental care and direction, getting this generation of young Canadians set up in life, as
pioneers in our brave new world free from the worst practices of the past.
Interested? Connect with us by email for now at fz514 (at) ncf.ca. We’ve not yet set up our social connectivity website.