Real Name: *?* St. Ives
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #8
Last Appearance: Alpha Flight #32
Creator: John Byrne
The woman known as Nemesis was the daughter of Ernest St. Ives, and watched in horror as her father accidentally killed her mother with just a touch.
Somehow the daughter managed to create an incredible sword just an atom thick, using both science and magic. With the blade, she was able to cut through just about anything. She was also able to fly through unknown means.
Nemesis first appeared during Aurora & Northstar's first meeting with St. Ives. At this meeting she cut St. Ives into pieces. Strangely enough, this didn't kill him... even though Nemesis had claimed her sword was capable of ending Ernest's life.
Nemesis also popped up when Alpha again encountered Ernest. This time, her sword, in Puck's hands, was capable of killing him. (With a little help from a subway train.) Afterwords she told her story and crumbled into dust.
Nemesis wielded an incredible sword that was capable of cutting through almost any substance. It could hold an unknown amount of human lifeforce and enabled Nemesis to fly.
[Compiler's notes: I would have preferred that Mantlo never revived Ernest and never added the Nemesis' backstory. Nemesis is one character that could've stayed mysterious.
Scott Lobdell hinted that there has been only one Nemesis all along, and that the Nemesis appearing in Alpha Flight v3 was the same as this Nemesis. I disagree with this assertion. You can read more in the
Nemesis II entry.]