Real Name: Jared Corbo
Group Affiliation: X-Corps, former member of Beta Flight, former member of Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #-1
Final Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #406
Creators: Steve Seagle & Scott Clark
Jared Corbo was a resident of Hull House
before he was recruited into Alpha Flight
along with his half-brother Adrian and
Arlette Truffaut.
Jared's career with Alpha
Flight was notable in that he was probably the biggest loose cannon that
the team ever had. Feeling invincible as a result of his powers, Corbo
rarely showed any consideration for his teammates. One of them,
Sasquatch II died while protecting him. That event
caused him no small amount of guilt and grief.
Jared's half-brother Adrian
has done research that leads him to believe that Jared's father was the
mutant criminal Gunther Bain, a.k.a Unus the Untouchable. Unus and Radius had
similar powers, and similar problems controlling those powers. It's not known
how reliable Adrian's information was, however. It's also unknown if Adrian
ever told Jared about any of it.
Radius was briefly a member of
the latest version of Beta Flight but left the team,
and Canada, to join a militant mutant force called the X-Corps. During a fight
with the earth-moving mutant called Avalanche Jared was dropped into a fissure
in the Earth, which was then closed over him. He is presumed to have
suffocated when his air ran out.
Radius was surrounded by a
force-field at all times. The field granted him a great amount of immunity to
physical harm, but he was unable to control it sufficiently to turn it off.
Jared was forced to rely on technological means to breach the field in order
to eat, for example.
While unable to turn off the
field Radius was able to manipulate its size and shape. He would frequently
use a thin wedge as a lever, and then expand the field to exert a great deal
of force on an object. Using this technique he was able to simulate super-human
strength, moving heavy objects, bursting doors, etc.