Real Name: Rutherford Princeton
Group Affiliation: Former member of Alpha Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight v3 #1
Creators: Scott Lobdell & Clayton Henry
Rutherford Princeton is a
ninety-year old senior citizen who led a remarkable life prior to becoming
comatose at age 70. Most notable of his experiences was his tenure as a police
officer on loan to the Chicago PD during Prohibition. Princeton also served
with the Candian military at some point [Most likely WWII - C], and was
apparently quite wealthy. [A definite achievement for someone of African
descent in that era. -C] At one point Rutherford fell in love Amelia Weatherly but the romance ended tragically
with her death.
It's likely that Princeton
would have languished in a coma until he died if it weren't for Walter Langkowski. Langkowski had discovered that
Rutherford possessed dormant super-powers during a study on Canadian war
veterans. When Walt went looking for super-humans to help him on a mission, he
took a chance that a sufficient shock would activate those powers and wake
Princeton up.
Walter was correct, and he
eventually convinced Rutherford to join up with a new Alpha Flight. Princeton reclaimed his old home from
his great-grandson, Malcolm, and settled nicely into his new role as a
super-hero. It was strongly implied at the conclusion of Alpha Flight v3 that
Rutherford did not live for too much longer after joining the team. If he
is still alive, it is unknown whether his powers survived the
M-Day incident.
Rutherford Princeton is
super-strong, invulnerable, and able to fly. The source of these abilities is
unknown, so he's presumably a mutant.