Real Name: Dei Guan
Group Affiliation: Member of 3-Peace, former member of China Force
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #59
Creators: Bill Mantlo & Jim Lee
Dei Guan was a labourer in a
Chinese re-education camp when he was
approached by a mysterious being calling himself a "geomancer" - a wizard
of the earth. This being talked of how dragons of old once lent their
powers to warriors, their wisdom to priests and their ability to heal to
physicians. Guan passed out at this point, but later discovered that he had
gained the ability to transform into a dragon. He soon came to the
attention of the State, and joined the State-run super-human team called
China Force.
Guan was on-duty with the Red
Army when they attempted to capture
a Buddhist monastery. This monastery was being visited by
Puck, who was searching for passage to other
dimensions. Instead of Puck travelling to another dimension, however, he
instead ended up enabling his friends in
Alpha Flight to return from the
Dreamqueen's realm. When the Head
Llama used magic to return Alpha Flight to Canada, Dei was caught in the
effect and taken too. There he became a "guest" of the Canadian government for
a while.
The Chinese government,
believing Dei to have defected, sent China
Force to get him back. [Hmnn. Shades of Uncanny #109, #120-121, eh? :)
- C] After China Force was tricked into fighting Alpha Flight at the West
Edmonton Mall,
Dei Guan willingly stepped through a portal to China,
hoping to prove himself innocent of the defection charges.
Since returning to China,
however, Guan's politics seem to have changed. He has joined the super-human
group of dissidents called 3-Peace.
Dei Guan was mystically granted the ability to transform into a
dragon. His secondary form has great strength, toughness, the ability to
fly and the ability to shoot fire. Enough said.