Past Productions by mutatis mutandis

Ubu Rex or The Polish Play

by Alfred Jarry
adapted and directed by David Whiteley

mutatis mutandis presented Ubu Rex at the 2002 Ottawa Fringe Festival.

Punch and Judy do Macbeth? Tragedy gets a whack with a slap stick in Ubu Rex, David Whiteley's translation / adaptation / reduction of Ubu Roi ou les Polonais.

The original play, by Alfred Jarry, has been hailed as a masterpiece and an important predecessor to Theatre of the Absurd. It employs nonsense words along with classical references --most obviously Shakespeare-- along with a slapstick Guignol or Punch and Judy broad comedic style.

This adaptation seeks to play up the Shakespearian references, facilitate the slapstick, push the pace to a frenzy and concentrate the show to a skeleton crew of four actors working their butts off to play the 30ish parts, including a few crowds!

Warning: Gibberish swearing and Nerf-brand violence may offend the hypersensitive.

Ubu Rex Reviews from the Ottawa Fringe Festival newsletter:
"A comic tour de force! This show contains incredible timing, energy, wit, base laughs and is a bloody great SHBIT of a show. Definitely one not to miss."
"Ubu Rex is an incredibly brilliant adaptation of Ubu Roi. Those guys work hard and play hard onstage. A definite must see."
"Wow! An aerobic comic workout."
"Commedia dell'Arte, Shakespeare, Monty Python, 3 Stooges - has it all. And all in one hour."
"Ubu - amazing!!!"

Cast (clockwise from left):
Justin Mahoney as Mama Ubu
Alan Jeans as Papa Ubu
David Hersh as the King of Poland and others
Allison Dore (in rehearsal, seen above) and David Whiteley (in performance) as Captain Turncoat and others