Location: Orloo, Ontario
Affiliation: Department H
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #-1
Creators: Steve Seagle

        Hull House is an orphanage in Orloo, Ontario, that was somehow connected to Department H. H's Super Hero Youth Acceleration Program has recruited at least five youngsters from Hull House. One of these, code-named Cleric, died while in H's custody.

        Another recruit, named Lilli, has been referred to as a "Legacy" case. It's also been implied that there has been more than one "Legacy" case, as Lilli has been referred to at a Dept H staff meeting as "another Legacy." Whether the Alpha Flight members Flex, Radius, and Murmer (all recruited from Hull House) are "Legacy" cases or not is a mystery. Also unknown is what exactly a "Legacy" case is. However, it is extremely odd that H would be able to recruit five super-human children from one orphanage. The mathematical odds against that happening are quite astonishing.

        Hull House is run by Headmistress Beatrice deLaSalle. Discipline at the orphanage is very strict, at least according to accounts from the former residents now in Alpha Flight. Given the changes in Canadian super-heroics over the past few years it is uncertain if Hull House maintains its association with Department H.

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