™ The
Canadian Aboriginal Issues Database ©
L'Hirondelle Former President, FMSA
Adrian Hope
(former Pres. MAA)
Alberta Métis Settlements
Government Relations
Government departments and significant individuals:
J.F. Dion early relationship
(1930-32) with R.G. Reid and J. Harvie, Minister and Deputy Minister
respectively of the Alberta Department of Lands and Mines. (see this brief note);
Bureau of Relief and Public Welfare (after c. 1939 Bureau of Public Welfare);
The Métis Rehabilitation Branch; Department of Health; Department of
Municipal Affairs, Aboriginal Affairs; Human Resources Development
Authority; Native Affairs Secretariat;
involved 1930-45
David Laird
(Commissioner - 1899); Archie R. Grover (Deputy Minister - 1980s); Barry Mellon
(Deputy Minister - 1980s); Peter Lougheed (Premier, 1970s-mid 1980s); Donald
Getty (Premier - late 1980s); etc.
Accords: Alberta-Métis Settlements Accord (1989); Alberta-Métis Nation of Alberta Framework Agreement (beginning 1987); (Proposed 1992) Métis Nation Accord with Canada and the Provinces; read the Interim Harvesting Agreement (.pdf - 450kb) resulting from Powley between Alberta and the Settlements General Council; etc. See also June 2008 news release (.pdf - 80kb) regarding the cancellation of the agreement and action being taken by the Metis Nation of Alberta.
Orders-in-Council: O.C. 285-40 (Settlement Associations); O.C. 1758-43 (Trust Fund); O.C. 515(?)-90 (Appeals Tribunal); O.C.s 1938/39 describing land for the Colonies; etc
Acts and regulations: Métis Population Betterment Act 1938 - amended 1940; Métis Betterment Act 1970 - amended 1979; Métis Settlements Accord Implementation Act RSA 2000 Chapter M-15; Métis Settlements Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-14 - amended 2004; Métis Settlements Land Protection Act; Constitution Act (1982); Dominion Lands Act (1879 42 Victoria, C.31); Manitoba Act (1870 33 Victoria, C.3); Constitution Act (1982) etc.
to other databases: 1. Nunavut significant dates
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