L'Hirondelle Former President, FMSA
Adrian Hope
(former Pres. MAA)
Alberta Métis Settlements
Research Documents (historical to ~ 2010)
Alberta Federation of Metis Settlement Associations. Metisism: A Canadian Identity. Edmonton: AFMSA. 1982
Alberta Federation of Metis Settlement
Associations. "By Means of Conferences and
Negotiations" We Ensure Our Rights. Background and Principles for New
Legislation linking Metis Aboriginal Rights to 'A
Resolution Concerning an Amendment to the Alberta Act
Alberta, Legislative Assembly. "A Resolution Concerning an Amendment to the Alberta Act, No.18." June 3, 1985
Alberta, Office of the Ombudsman. "A Report by the Provincial Ombudsman dealing with the removal of files from Metis Settlements on Monday June 18, 1979". Edmonton, Office of the Ombudsman 1979
Alberta, Municipal Affairs. "A Brief History of Alberta Metis Settlements Branch. 1938-1990." Edmonton: Metis Settlements Branch. October 1990
Alberta, Municipal Affairs. "Implementation of Resolution 18." Edmonton: Native Affairs Secretariat. c. 1985
Alberta, Municipal Affairs. "Alberta's Metis Settlements: A Compendium of Background Documents." Edmonton: Native Affairs Secretariat, Policy and Planning Branch. 1984
Alberta, Municipal Affairs. "Metis Settlements Legislation: a discussion paper." Edmonton: Metis Settlements Branch. March 1987
Alberta, Premier Lougheed, "First Ministers' Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters Opening Statement by Premier Lougheed." Ottawa: March 15-16, 1983
Bell, C. E. Alberta's Metis Settlements Legislation: an overview of ownership and management of Settlement lands. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre. 1994
Bell, C. "Metis Government: The Alberta Metis Model." In J. Hylton, Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada: Current Issues and Trends, 2nd. ed. Saskatoon: Purich, 1999
Bell, C. E. "Who are the Metis people in Section 35(1)." Alberta Law Review. 29: 351-381. 1991.
Bell, C. E. "Self-government on Alberta's Metis Settlements: a unique solution to a constitutional dilemma." Issues in the North. 1:151-62 (Publisher?)
Bell, C. and C. Leonard. "A New Era in Métis Constitutional Rights: The Importance of Powley and Blais." Alberta Law Review. 41:1049-1083. 2004.
Dobbin, M The One-And-A-Half Men: the story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, Metis Patriots of the Twentieth Century. Vancouver, Star Books. 1981
Martin, F. "Federal and Provincial Responsibility in the Metis Settlements of Alberta." In D. Hawkes (ed.) Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility: Exploring Federal Provincial Roles. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. 1989.
Metis Association of Alberta, et. al. Metis Land Rights in Alberta: a Political History. Edmonton: Metis Association of Alberta. 1981
Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal and Bell, C. E. Contemporary Metis Justice: The Settlement Way. Saskatoon, Native Law Centre. 1999
Pocklington, T. C. The Government and Politics of the Alberta Metis Settlements. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre. 1991
Sawchuck, J. The Dynamics of Native Politics: the Alberta Metis Experience. Saskatoon, Purich. 1998
Saunders, D. "A Legal analysis of the Ewing Commission and the Metis Colony System in Alberta." In H. W. Daniels, The Forgotten People: Metis and Non-Status Indian Land Claims. Ottawa: Native Council of Canada, 1978
Wall, D. The Alberta Metis Letters: 1930-1940 Policy Review and Annotations. Edmonton: DWRG Press. 2008.
Wall, D. "Aboriginal Self-government in Canada - The Cases of Nunavut and the Alberta Métis Settlements." in Visions of the Heart. Second Edition. By D. Long and O.P. Dickason (eds.). Toronto: Harcourt Canada. 2000. p 143-166.