(or, Yet Another Second Ascension Post)

"With not much else to do now that I'm immortal, I've decided to write my memoirs.
Obviously, you can expect some spoilers herein."
--Hayate, Mage



  1. Miaka, the Valkyrie. Style: In brief, with item commentary.
  2. Hayate, the Wizard. Style: Epic first person, above.
  3. Corry, the Rogue. Style: In brief, with item commentary.
  4. Laurie, the Tourist. Style: First person, mini-epic.
  5. Julie, the Ranger. Style: First person, diary entries.
  6. Rita, the Priestess. Style: First person, mini-epic.
  7. Betty, the Samurai. Style: Item commentary in first person.

Player's Disclaimer:
Any inaccuracies seen in Hayate's character (or Nethack descriptions) are my own. Version used was 3.4.3, played locally. No Nethack "game cheats" were used by Hayate, such as restoring save files (though a file of Dungeon layout had been preserved to get accurate names of shopkeepers and the like here), with minimal notes made on a post-it regarding key levels after Part 6. Some internet research ("reading spoilers") was done through the course of the game - I honestly can't see winning Nethack by pure intuition alone - however, no "Elbereth"s were engraved for balance. Incidentally, Hayate was chosen over a YAFAP for Miaka (who had started the game the same time as Nanoha, then also took several months off), because Hayate's trip was much more interesting.

Send any commentary to cz159@ncf.ca(no spam)

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