Cass is in a bad temper. He's beginning to think he might have done something to provoke Kathleen.
Bridget pretended to be getting rid of a salesman on the phone while talking to Jake as the sisters came into the kitchen. Bridget advised Kathleen to make up with Cass and left. MJ said she hadn't told her but she was right. Kathleen said she'd done the right thing about Cass.
Sally's trying to bribe Kevin into telling her where the honeymoon will be. Catlin won't let him tell her. They say she'll find out at the wedding. Larry came to the door. She let him in saying "Your brother is impossible. The kid is worse." He's brought a box with Willa's effects.
Tom's looking for a real job but she's candystriping meanwhile. Alice went into the records room and was chloroformed by a dark-clothed intruder.
Felicia was surprised that Cass didn't know what he's done. Not that she does either but she figured there'd be an outstanding crime. He's out of his mind. He wants to talk to Kathleen but she won't listen to him. He said he keeps waiting for the phone to ring. It did. Felicia answered it and sweetly told the person at the other end that she was sure Cass would love to speak to said person. Cass was pleased (he answered the call "Hello, baby.") until he found out it was Tony. Felicia had hysterics. Dee's grandmother's arriving soon. Tony will see him tomorrow. Felicia commented that Cass' sincerity seems to wane. He just talked over her about Tony. She finally won. He said he'd sneak into the complex and tell her wonderful things about missing her. Felicia said she was proud of him and he was a good man. G'luck.
MJ told Kathleen to let Cass explain. Kathleen told her she wasn't doing any better with her own love life and at last count they were both sleeping under papa's roof ALONE. MJ said she had different priorities. Kathleen apologized and left. MJ said, "Jamie and I, we're different. We ARE."
Marley's helping Jake select photographs. Carter arrived. Donna called and said she'd be home tomorrow. Jake gave him the videotape of the wedding. They'll show it sometime. Marley wants Tom to call. Jake told Carter he'd seen a job opening in a drug store. Carter left. Marley told Jake he was nice. Embarrassed silence. Jake started talking about then photographs again.
Alice is busy being unconscious on the floor.
They're paging Alice. Tom told Nancy she can't get a job because she's pregnant. She'd like to work at the hospital. Nancy finds Rachel's amnesia creepy. Carter arrived. He follows her around and makes her eat things that are good for the baby she says. Joyce is looking for Alice. She called security.
Larry wants to talk to Catlin alone. He wants Catlin to pore over the contents and tell him what he thinks. There's something to do with Plains Iowa [see March 27th PUNK DISCO and February 28th sinister pen]. The police dept called Larry. He had to leave for the hospital. Stolen drugs. Catlin's going with him. Not that I noticed him telling Sally.
Nancy's interested in this drug theft. For the second time in a week she was accused of being Nancy Drew. This time by Tom. They found Alice. Nancy gibbered and said she was dead. Alice came to. Tom sent Nancy for help. Nancy dashed out wailing "Is there a doctor in the house?"
Marley talked about suffering for art. Jake said she didn't take herself very seriously. Marley said Donna took herself seriously enough for everyone but she liked her. Jake said he liked her [Marley]. Bridget called and ordered Jake to come over ASAP. Marley said she had to go. He said it'd been fun.
Sally's folding Willa's clothes. She found something sinister from the sound of it. Photo of Britt & Evan.
Jamie's 3 days behind. Kathleen blames Peter. She's been blaming him all day. Jamie had an antique for MJ. Kathleen said she'd love it. She asked Jamie if he ever got tired of waiting for MJ. She said MJ was crazy about him and didn't it bother him that she was dragging her feet. He said it didn't. Kathleen said MJ was lucky. I guess this is where she kissed him. He wished her luck. He got a call saying Cass had been caught again. Kathleen said maybe she should talk to him.
Joyce is worried about Alice. Larry questioned Alice about the attack. She's fuzzy on it. They told her about the drug theft. She asked Catlin not to worry Sally. Larry asked if she'd smelled the guy's aftershave. She said she'd smelled just chloroform. MJ told Catlin there should be a review of security. (What is this? All of a sudden he's head officer? How very dense.) Nancy called Marley to ask if Jake had an alibi. Jake overheard. He's annoyed. Marley apologized on Nancy's behalf.
Kevin asked who the folk in the photograph were. Sally said they were people Catlin had known and packed him off to his room.
Jake doesn't like going to the McKinnons' to see Bridget. She told him he seemed to care too much about the opinions of those young girls. [He doesn't want them thinking he's a drug thief.] She told him not to get too involved. He'd lose his perspective. He said he knew what he was doing. She said they were very winning girls and he wasn't to lose sight of what they were doing. They're going to talk this whole business through.
Felicia came across Carter reading one of her novels. He says Tom reads them like mad. She said they [Tom & Carter] were romantic but too level-headed for one of her books. Tom came and took Carter off to tell him about her day. Felicia wishes she had a man with an interesting day to talk about.
Cass has been lectured by Jamie. Kathleen came to talk to him. Cass said there was no need and a picture was worth a thousand words. Jamie came through. Cass told Kathleen (who was trying to make up) it was all over between them. A huge mistake. He raved and said that when one found the right person it was inconvenient to be involved with someone else. She said she guessed that was what she thought too. He left. She got upset. Cried.
Jamie came to see MJ. She was scrubbing the floor.
Sally called Alice directly. She managed to worm what had happened out of Catlin. Alice told her not to worry. Aunt Liz came for Kevin. Kevin left. Sally went out with him. I guess Catlin looked at the photograph. Sally said if he didn't marry her Friday she'd kill him.
MJ was thrilled with the gift. They figured out a way to keep her from talking. He kisses her.
Someone thought about February 5th. Kathleen or Cass.
I'm finding it a little difficult to believe that every female whose path Catlin has crossed set her sights on him and pursued him relentlessly. Can't they make a few concessions to reality?