April 10, 1985

Jake is taking pictures all over the Love house. Bridget's complaining about having to water the plants. They're going to Marley's room. Bridget says that's what they need.

Dee's all dressed up and nervous. Felicia's trying to help. She told her not to fall in love with Cass. Dee said she didn't understand. Cass arrived. To the Northwoods Inn said Dee.

Kathleen has a business dinner with Peter at the Northwoods Inn tonight. Jamie's still mad that he disappeared. He wonders why he went to Oregon in the first place.

Donna: You ran into Augie Pierson, didn't you? That lovely girl you went to law school with. Remember that yacht she had? Is that where you -- Peter spied Zane and said he had something to say to him and slugged him. Donna took fits. MJ dashed up to find out what was going on. Zane said it was none of her concern. She said she was the police and asked to be told what this was about. Peter told Zane to tell her. Zane said he saw no reason to cause trouble and he wouldn't file charges. Donna wants to know what's going on. MJ said if they could settle their dispute peacefully 'twas okay. They said they could. Donna plaintively asked to be told what Peter was doing. She decided to apologize for him. Peter squelched her. MJ left. Zane and Peter want to talk. They got rid of Donna. Zane and Peter made their peace. Zane told him Britt was in hospital and all right. Peter was annoyed that he'd been prevented from stopping the wedding and they hadn't made it either. He wants to see Brittany. Zane said that wasn't a good idea. Peter said he didn't own her. Zane said he took care of her.

It seems Dee was a little too quick off the mark. They don't have reservations until 8:00. They'll just sit down. Cass keeps calling her honey. She offered them drinks. At first they declined but Felicia wanting to talk to Cass alone asked for water. On her way out Dee said she was glad he'd worn that tie. It's her favourite. He's surprised "the kid likes neckties." Felicia told him it was because it was about his beloved neck. She warned him Dee had stars in her eyes.

Jake's photographing all of Marley's clothes for some bizarre reason.

Felicia warned Cass further. He said he wasn't doing anything to encourage her and she understood anyway. Ask Wallingford. Felicia doesn't believe it. Cass says students will get crushes on their teachers but they needn't be kicked out of school. Dee returned. She wants to leave. Cass asked if she'd mind if he pointed things out to her tonight. Corrected her. 'Course not she said you're my teacher. Triumphant glance at Felicia. They left.

MJ arrived at the complex to see Jamie. MJ's surprised to hear Kathleen's going to have dinner with Peter. Business she was assured. Jamie made a tactless reference to spaghetti and Prometheus. MJ hushed him up. He apologized. Kathleen left. MJ told Jamie about Peter smashing some guy making a phone call.

Britt wanted to see Peter. Zane brought him in. Peter was kind to her. Surprised and slightly taken aback to find she was a deaf mute. (I can imagine Peter stomping around yelling WHY WOULD CATLIN MARRY A DEAF MUTE? Confusing everyone.) She apologized for hitting him WITH A FRYING PAN. He said he was on her side. They don't really believe him. He said he'd tried to stop the wedding himself. She's feeling beat said Zane. It's too late to do anything about it. They'll just have to wait it out. Peter left. Brittany wouldn't read his lips. Zane apologized to her for not telling her about Catlin.

Donna pestered Peter about his Oregon reasoning. He said he'd tell her as soon as he could. She said she was afraid he was out of control. He said he wasn't. She asked about Zane. Said she felt like she'd met him before. Peter said she hadn't met him through him and maybe he reminded her of someone. He asked about Chicago. She said it was a dead end. He says they won't give up. She agreed. She wants him to come home for dinner. He said he was going out with Kathleen. Donna: You're acting SHAMEFULLY. First you come in here and hit some man you don't even know and now you ignore US. He said it was business but she wasn't appeased. He asked where Liz was. Cory doesn't know and Donna certainly doesn't. He asked where Alice was. Donna informed him she was NOT Alice Frame's social secretary. He dashed off.

Bridget's getting fidgety. They're taking too long for her taste. Marley returned. "Out the window," said Bridget. Suddenly suspenseful music. Has Marley appeared? Yes. Jake made it out though. Bridget said she'd been putting plants in the window. Marley sounded suspicious. Bridget told her to talk to the plants. She'll make her a cup of tea.

Dee and Cass ordered. Cass is proud of her. She lays all the praise at his door. He say Tony will be even prouder than he is. He said her grandmother would be the proudest. She's coming from Europe. Dee adores her. They discussed sophistication. Dee talked about her old teddy bear sort of thing her grandmother patched and repatched for her. She loves her uncle too strange as it may seem. Peter and Kathleen arrived. Peter offered to take her elsewhere but she'll stick it out. He left her to make a phone call. He crossed Cass' path. Cass introduced him to Dee. Cheerfully until Peter said he was with Kathleen. He went on his merry way. Dee said she thought it was over between them. Cass said it was. Definitely over. Dee talked about her grandmother some more.

Kathleen and Peter ordered. He couldn't get through to Washington properly. He asked about Cass. She doesn't seem inclined to talk about him. She does stare at him sadly though. Peter wanted to talk business. She suggested they dance.

Cass is rather silent. Dee hinted she'd like to dance but he didn't notice so she explained her wishes to him properly and managed to talk him round.

Marley said she was kind of embarrassed by being rich. Donna came in. Bridget rushed off to get tea. Donna loves it. Bridget left advising them not to worry about Peter.

MJ and Jamie spaghetti-ing. MJ's thinking about Kathleen. Jamie wishes he'd been there to see her taking down Peter. Jamie: Did he start it? MJ: Mm I think so. Jamie: What about the other guy? Was he big? MJ: Well, he looked like he could take care of himself. Jamie: And you just walked in between the two of them, huh? MJ: No, no, actually I went like this and I said (in a southern accent) "stop that or I'll faint." She asked if it bothered him that she was a cop. He said it bothered him that she might get hurt. Sometimes you say the nicest things. Silence.

Dee likes dancing with Cass.

Peter asked Kathleen how well she knew Sally and if she knew where she'd gone. Kathleen said the way she'd heard it Sally didn't even know herself. Peter was incredulous. She said they didn't need her for work. Peter said it wasn't work. They did more business. Somebody's fantasizing about Cass and Kathleen reconciling. Kathleen.

Cass is going to take Dee home.

Peter offered to take Kathleen home. She could be crying.

Joyce told Britt she could be released tomorrow but they want to take more tests. She said the hearing loss had no physical cause. Zane said they knew. Joyce left. He begged her to forgive him for not telling her. He said they'd find Catlin. She's tired. He said she should sleep. After they find Catlin he'll still be around he says.

Dee told Felicia all about the evening. Ecstatically. She went to bed. Cass says he doesn't feel well. He says there's something he has to face. He went out.

Bridget talked to Jake. Marley's a sweet girl she said.

Peter took Kathleen home.

Lily's out with Grant. Felicia asked if Dee'd taken her advice about Cass. Dee's enthusiastic and excited about her grandmother coming. Felicia's going to watch the news. Dee wrote in her diary about her first real date with someone she loved and Cass didn't care about Kathleen and Peter.

Kathleen talked to herself about Cass not caring. "Okay, I still love you. So what?"

Cass thinking about still loving Kathleen. He thinks she doesn't care. Debating whether he should go in.

Sinister music. Peter? Britt? Jake? It involves paper somehow. No voices. Don't know.




I can just see (or hear if you prefer it) Kathleen telling Peter Catlin wouldn't tell Sally where the honeymoon was to be and Peter saying (bitterly) "That's just the sort of obnoxious thing he WOULD do."



Sally couldn't fall for Peter again. He's too serious. He hasn't got simple-minded silliness a-tall.