Felicia told Wallingford she thinks Dee thinks Cass and Kathleen broke up because of her. Wallingford doesn't believe it. Dee came in and said she'd been up since 6am getting ready.
Bridget's at Smiley's for breakfast. She wants to look at the Love house again.
Britt's been admitted to hospital. She is indeed deaf. Alice is in charge of her. She asked if Zane were her husband. He denied it. Alice left. Britt wants to find Catlin. Zane explained he was married and on his honeymoon and they couldn't. She took fits and cried. This made him upset. He comforted her.
Donna doesn't like dusting. Marley seems to be of the opinion that it's good for her. Doorbell. Bridget. She hinted that she would like a housekeeping job. She was asked in. Donna hasn't a green thumb. Bridget offered to look after the plants. Donna offered her room and board in exchange for housekeeping. She left for the hospital.
Alice got a call from a Dr. Blanchard. She called Aunt Liz. Liz wants to take Kevin to Boston to visit her daughter. Alice told her Dr. Blanchard had offered her a Washington DC research job. Liz hung up to go and make arrangements to get a leave of absence from work.
Peter turned up at home ('like a bad penny'). Marley was pleased. She told him about Bridget. She wanted to know about his trip. He said he'd tall her after he talked to Sally & Catlin. She said he was out of luck unless he knew where they'd gone on their honeymoon. Peter's brilliant response: Honeymoon? Marley explained to him all about this charming custom. He was incredulous and sort of mad. Marley left. He called Jamie and demanded to know what had become of the telex. Jamie: Wait a minute. I think you've got things backwards, I'm the one who gets to ask the questions, Peter -- like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Peter: I can explain all that but believe me that telex was VERY IMPORTANT. Jamie: I don't know anything about any telex. Now you said you were going to be back here two weeks ago. Do you know how shorthanded we've been? Peter: Jamie, I WOULD'VE been back here if I could but I got hit on the head. I was put on a BOAT. Jamie: Oh, is THAT what you were explaining in your telex to Sally? Peter: No. That was personal. And VERY VERY important. Jamie: (sighing resignedly like) Are you coming in today? Peter said he'd be in and raved some more about the telex. Jamie hung up and complained to Aunt Liz about Peter's telex obsession. She brushed over that and asked for time off.
Peter knocked into Bridget on his way out. Marley returned and surprised Bridget on the verge of something nefarious.
Jamie raved and raved about Peter's story to Aunt Liz. He'd just better not come back with a tan say Jamie darkly. Aunt Liz said Peter had been on a boat. And he had sent a telex to Sally about the delay and wishing her a happy wedding. Jamie was slightly taken aback but he's still mad. He doesn't know why Peter was so anxious about Sally receiving his telegram. Aunt Liz didn't tell him. She asked again for time off for Kevin's sake. He reluctantly let her. He thanked her for her help these past few weeks. He says Peter owes him. He left. She called a replacement. She's determined that no one find anything about Catlin & Sally's honeymoon until she gets back. Well played, Matthews.
Felicia's concerned about Dee's feelings about Cass. She's going to have a talk with her. She wanted Wally to back her up but he said it was girl stuff and he was expecting a call. Dee came out of the shower and Felicia asked her to sit down. Wallingford's call came through. Felicia tried to stop him getting it but he managed so she gave up and returned to Dee. She told Dee Cass was not a date he was a teacher. She doesn't want her to get hurt. Dee thinks she's on everybody's case today. Meanwhile Wallingford's on the phone with Marty driving her [Felicia] up the wall discussing stock so she finally yelled MARTY. JUST BUY HIM THE DAMN STOCK and hung up. Dee said she was a real delight to be with. Felicia has managed to upset everyone including herself. They calmed down and she said Cass was older and still involved with Kathleen. Dee said she was just doing this for the cotillion. She left for Smiley's to pump Marley about Mrs. Royer. Felicia apologized to Wallingford. He forgave her.
Peter arrived at the complex looking for Liz. Jamie told him they had to talk. He told him his underlings had put in a lot of overtime covering for him. Peter said he'd had every intention of returning on time but he'd been coshed and boated. Jamie didn't believe him. Peter didn't blame him. (Jamie finds it a bit thin that his captors let him send telexes to Sally.) Jamie interrogated him. Peter said Zane Lindquist had hit him and put him on a boat because he'd found out something Zane didn't want him to know. He was forced to admit it had nothing to do with Cory. Jamie told him Mac liked him but at a word from him [Jamie] he'd fire him. Peter apologized humbly. Jamie told him he owed Kathleen for saving his life. He suggested he take her out to dinner someplace nice (and Dee & Cass will be there and things will be made worse.) Peter asked if Liz had signed for the telex. Jamie's losing patience with him about that. He said he could ask her when she got back. Peter's frustrated. Everyone's fleeing Bay City to thwart him.
Aunt Liz and Kevin are getting ready to go. She sent him to go pack his teddy bear. Zane came to the door. He said he had to know where Sally and Catlin were.
It seems Donna was behind Dr. Blanchard's call to Alice. Alice is now determined to stay and make Donna's life miserable and stay with her family and watch Donna's cutbacks. She's going to advise the board.
Joyce told Brittany she'd help with communicating is she had problems. She explained about her son Bobby. Britt said she had a son. Joyce said Bobby had had an operation and his hearing was better. They chatted about Oregon. Her son is indeed dead. Joyce is sorry.
Liz asked Zane to leave. She said he wasn't going to ruin her niece's life. She mentioned Sally's little boy. He mentioned Britt's dead little boy. Liz said it wasn't HER fault and she couldn't do anything about it. Zane: Brittany has made up her mind. She is not going to get this close and then leave without seeing Josh. Liz: CATLIN. His name is Catlin. Now she's lived this long without him. Can't she -- Zane: No ma'am she can't. He told her Britt was in hospital. She was genuinely concerned. He said nothing would change her mind. He said she had the right to share her grief with Catlin. Apparently Liz lost a son at sea. Zane begged her to tell where Catlin and Sally are.
Marley told Dee Mrs. Royer will talk about horses. She advised her not to mention bookies and to keep it vague. Dee thanked her. Nancy arrived. Dee left. Marley doesn't think she stands a chance because of Tony. Nancy told her how she'd talked about the Tuna to Dee. She thinks Dee probably told Tony and he'll be out to get her.
Britt asked Zane when he'd found out Catlin was getting married. He admitted he'd found out a while ago. But he'd just kept hoping she'd forget about him. After this morning he knows she won't. He said he thought Aunt Liz knew where Catlin was and he'd keep working on her until she cracked. He told her even if they found him he might stay with Sally. She told him she loved him [Josh].
Peter called the Matthews' but gave up before Liz answered. Liz wants to leave now. Alice is going with them to the airport and on to Wash. DC. Kevin thought the caller might have been Sally and THE POWER WENT OFF. NO MORE.
WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TELL ANYONE CATLIN'S A BIGAMIST? Why wouldn't Peter explain what he'd found? Why didn't Brittany tell Joyce who the father of her beloved child was? Why didn't Joyce ask about her husband? Why didn't Britt try to find Catlin? Tell the police.
From sport to sport they hurry me to stifle my regret and when the win a smile from me they think that I forget.
I would've fired Peter like a shot. I would've killed Britt in the accident. I would've gone to Ireland. It was altogether a depressing day. Aunt Liz' plotting isn't quick or efficient enough. At least Evan's dead. Wife with small son seems to be more attractive to Catlin than just plain wife. Sally stands a chance.
I can just see our dear Ewing (as opposed to Larry) returning to the cabin with Sally (with the intention of retrieving Kevin the next day) and finding Brittany huddled in a blanket on the bed with a gun. I have no idea which she intends to shoot (in her place I'd shoot Sally with intent to kill and Catlin without for good measure) but it's definitely a last thing Friday sort of situation. BRIGHT SPOT: With Kevin living with them Catlin & Sally would have to confine their waving about of bed linen somewhat. Of course as it stands when they get back Catlin might give up on Sally altogether.
VISUAL SOURCE say Zane tried to call Aunt Liz but she didn't answer. Peter went to the hospital to look for Liz. Donna was delighted to see him. He saw Zane and smashed him.
If I hear Zane say ma'am one more time so help me I'll slug him. Usually Peter & I are not as one on these things but here is an exception.