November 1, 1985

The Windy City. Felicia has high hopes of the party. Cass is suddenly pessimistic. Lesoleil franchises are not on a level with Tupperware. Felicia went to do some serious shopping. Enter Wally glad to have missed her because they have big trouble.

Rachel is not happy to know she is in Carl's thoughts. Mac suggested it would cheer everyone up to call Nancy in Algiers.

Chris: you're crazy. How can there be American Indian drawings on a tomb in Egypt? Nancy: don't call him crazy. Hawk: I'm telling you that's what they look like to ME. Chris: yeah? I think you've been out in the sun too long. Let me take a look at this. Wait a minute. Nancy: what? What, Chris? Hawk: do you see something? Chris: well I think I owe you an apology old buddy. Because unless I'VE been out in the sun too long that looks like the star god. [Remember the doll?] Hawk can't identify the other symbols. Chris declared them clues. Hawk said Tom White Mountain would know. Nancy rejoiced at the thought of going to Arizona.

Some species of Lesoleil female named Allie annoyed Sally by interrupting her to talk business while Sally was on the phone with Kevin. She bitched to Daniel. He doesn't like being the Lesoleil man. He suggested they duck their responsibilities for a bit before the party and tour Chicago. She wishes the party were over. She enjoys doing the Lesoleil stuff except when she's too long away from Catlin and Kevin and Catlin gets angry. Daniel assured her it was alright. She is determined to quit after Arizona. Daniel convinced her to play hooky.

Catlin found Kevin and Liz in the cabin looking up Chicago on the map. Kevin hinted madly that Chicago wasn't so far away that one couldn't drive there. Catlin was all for it and invited Liz to come along. All is gladness.

Wally showed Cass a further issue of the Midnight Surprise which proclaims Felicia as Gerard's bimbo bleeding him dry with Lesoleil. Wallingford bought every copy on the newsstand. They decided to buy up the ones in the area and delay telling her until after the party. Wally dashed out as she came in. Felicia asked Cass what was up.

Carl put on surgical gloves and told Daphne she should be grateful to him for making her a confederate without subjecting her to his lust. She can't imagine why Frederick left the statue of the pharaoh's daughter. Carl attributed it to his horror of snakes. Daphne: no wonder you got the statue. A man like you probably feels very comfortable with snakes. Carl: put a sock in it. [As I informed you previously snakes go about the place robbing men of the women they love.] He had her put her mask on so he could send a souvenir package of tomb dust to Mac to induce insanity and death. He instructed Fayez to post it to Mac.

Mac found out Nancy had gone to Egypt for a bit. Ada's afraid Fayez will take advantage of her. She has a blind date arranged by Mac with a nice new salesman ["he makes Albert Schweitzer seem kind of cranky."]. Mac wants Carl traced. He doesn't believe Carl is in Argentina.

Cass allayed Felicia's suspicions. She left to get changed, advising him not to get plastered. "this is an important night and I don't want you to wind up with a lampshade on your head doing the hula." He gave his copy of the Midnight Surprise to the bartender to be put with the other garbage.

Carl wants Mac to believe Nancy mailed the blue jar. Rachel looks good in black.

Howard Hansen blind date mistook Rachel for Mac's mother-in-law. Rachel pushed him in the right direction. Ada seemed glassily polite. He suggested they hear Vivaldi's Four Seasons before a late French supper. She said that sounded nice. He breathes funny at Rachel. Ada and Howard left. Ada said not to wait up. Enter Mac. Mac: what are you doing with that pumpkin? Rachel: throwing it out. Mac: you can't do that. Rachel: why not? The party's over. Mac: there's a lot of life left in that old pumpkin. Rachel: darling you can't keep pumpkins around forever, they get yucky. Mac: that pumpkin is not yucky. I know because I carved it myself. Rachel: darling when I carved my first pumpkin for Jamie I left it around too long. Mac: Oh yeah? And what happened? Rachel: it got yucky. Mac: well my pumpkin is not yucky. It's perfectly all right. Rachel: darling it's probably already started to rot. I'll show you, see — [she lifted the top and found a cameo inside] YOU DID IT AGAIN. Mac: gotcha. [HE LOOKED SO SMUG. If a man must be rich he should be rich like sane if he expects me to like him.]

Cass at the party is put out because Sally and Daniel are missing. He prevented Felicia from calling back Zane and Edouard lest they chat about the article. He permitted her one hors d'oeuvre. She overheard a woman raving about the article and found a copy of the Midnight Surprise. She turned on Cass and fled in shame and hurt. Grant went after her leaving Cass to hold the fort alone. Wally returned having spent $75 buying papers in vain. He and Cass would like to get whoever leaked the story. [Donna couldn't die, surely.] They need Felicia and the vanished Lesoleil couple. Enter Daniel and Sally in a better mood than previously. Cass was unthrilled that they were fashionably late. He sent Sally to mingle and gave Daniel what for. Daniel was belligerent.

Rachel is glad she married Mac. Life is not dull. They love each other and they want to share things.

Nancy concealed the princess' staff [which had been in her walking shorts] in her lone travelling bag. The rest of her luggage is in the villa. Chris informed her she wasn't coming with them to Arizona. Sensing a fight in the offing Hawk decided to take a walk. Chris was firm. Nancy yelled at him. He doesn't want anything to happen to her. She told him she'd never speak to him again. He said he'd risk it.

Cass told Daniel off in a corner. Catlin etc arrived in time for Catlin to see Sally mingling with an older man who asked if she came with a franchise. He decided to ask Cass when Sally'd be done and overheard Cass telling Daniel that Sally was married. Daniel denied being an operator. He is merely concerned about her feelings. Cass suggested he leave that to him and Felicia. Daniel let on she'd be less likely to stay with Lesoleil without his help. He rushed out. Catlin was about to follow him when Sally saw him and clutched at him like life raft. Sally asked Cass if she could put Kevin to bed. Cass was unthrilled. Sally laughed and led Kevin out with Catlin and Aunt Liz trailing behind. Felicia swept in and asked for the attention of the guests to chat about the paper.

After putting Kevin to bed Sally told Catlin how glad she was that he'd come. He said watching her downstairs he hadn't been able to realize she was his own wife. She assured him she was always herself and to drive the point home kissed him. She had to call a halt to the preceding shortly however because although she wasn't keen on the party she'd promised Cass. Catlin made excuses not to go to the party with her and she took offence.

Felicia read the article aloud and said she had nothing to hide and she denied having anything to do with Edouard's wife's murder. She said she believed in Lesoleil and asked them to share in the vision. Cass embraced her.

Mac and Rachel danced and decided to capture the moment on film. Mac is not fond of Carl. He convinced the university to redonate the chair in Judy Chicago's name and donated money in Rachel's name to missing children's funds.

Cass paid the help as they left the party. He told Felicia she'd done great and they'd had five inquiries. He's having lunch with Mrs. Wrigley. She has faith in him and he in her. They're both going to the southwest.

Chris put Nancy on a plane home. I suspect her of plotting to join him. He's not happy because she doesn't understand and he can't be with her.

Carl gave instructions for the package to be withheld should Rachel be present. Carl and Daphne seem to be sick of each other. They're in each other's way. He said Egypt may be over but tomorrow is another day. He toasted the beginning of the real treasure hunt and the end of Mac Cory and splashed the contents of his glass about.


