October 1, 1985

Ada found out the limo was Carl's.

Daphne went to Carl's room. He wants her to have the Corys for lunch.

Michaud dropped by the cabin to bid Sally goodbye. SHE wasn't there. Caitlin was. ["I know it's a disappointment, but I DO live here."] Catlin pretty much told him what he thought of him. * There's not one thing about Michaud that he likes. He seems to be of the opinion that it's playing dirty pool to attempt to overwhelm another man's wife with extravagant gifts rather than unadulterated passion etc. He lost his toehold rather because Michaud agreed with everything he said, throwing in sweet little statements like "Sally is totally devoted to you" and "you're a very lucky man." Catlin made as if to tear him limb from limb, at least he grabbed him by the jacket before dropping him like a hot coal and deeming him not worth it. Michaud left. Catlin growled to himself "I should have killed him." [This fascinates me. Poor darling Michaud behaving like an idiot and Catlin mad as all hell for no legitimate reason. AND HE DOESN'T LIKE THE ACCENT.]

Daphne: you're EXACTLY like Frederick. Carl: actually I'm not as soft. Also I'm not as dead. Daphne: yet. He wants to feed the Corys tuna and macaroni. He wants Nancy to be in Egypt with the Corys' full consent. They have to get round Ada. ["You know we get along so well when you're subservient."] Carl won't tell Daphne anything. She doesn't want him to be there. [at lunch.]

Ada told Hawk all about Carl [beginning "he is this lunatic"] Chris blames himself. Hawk convinced him to read the letter. It instructed him to be in Egypt October 25 1985. He burned the letter and rushed to work. Hawk's distressed.

Caitlin told Sally about Michaud's visit. She was sorry he was upset but he was bellicose and injected venom into "dear". He told her Michaud was leaving and they quarreled when she leaped for the phone to suggest Michaud stay. She called him a shellfish and he left the moment her back was turned. [I think the difficulty is partly he has a dreadful feeling one of these days she will succumb to wealth. Witness the Christmas Eve 84 discussion of fabulous jewels. Weirdness abounds.]

Michaud told Felicia and Cass and Daniel he had to look after Daphne's mess in Europe. He gave Cass 25% of the American stock as long as he remained director. And 10% to Daniel. Daphne will live on the estate but not work for them. Felicia and Michaud were left alone. She forgave all Gerards everywhere. They said au revoir.

Nancy raved to Chris about archaeology. He wasn't interested. She got upset. He told her he'd opened the letter and disappointed her saying there was nothing in it. He suggested they excavate the backyard using a couple of spoons. She called him unfunny and left.

Michaud told Daphne of the arrangements. He's sorry. She called him a gentleman. He asked her to give up Egypt. She said she'd be fine. He said Sally hadn't come between them but Daphne. Goodbye, Michaud.

Chris is subbing for a sick doctor. Nancy's standoffish. Joyce sent him to a patient. On the way he tried to restore himself in Nancy's eyes. "Chris, you're treating me just like a girl." "well hallelujah, you are." They argued about whether he'd say that to Margaret Mead. [Nancy was not fazed by Chris's assertion that Margaret Mead was an anthropologist.] She wants to SHOW him. He thinks her interest is misplaced. She buried the hatchet wanting to have lunch with him. He's busy. He called her sweetie. The patient is Carl.

Daphne is not fond of hen parties. She desperately wants Mac to come. Ada was invited but declined. Exit Daphne. Nancy finds her elegant. Ada says she's weird.

Carl: Well old man it must be rather hard to treat someone you'd rather see dead. Chris: if you were dead you couldn't finish your prison term. Carl is having his leg looked after. He keeps trying to goad Chris into chat. Chris told him he could lose the cane. Carl is a nuisance but a darling. Chris told him he didn't scare him and left. Carl said he was an insufferable little prig. Hawk met Chris in the lobby having researched Carl. Chris told him about the patient. He's through with this. He wants to be a doctor. Hawk made a long distance call to Arizona.

Catlins brooding in Smiley's. Maisie told him all about how well a magazine with Sally on its cover was selling. He's unthrilled.

There are a couple of men making remarks about Sally guaranteed to tie in knots the jealous husband. About vital statistics and wouldn't-it-be-nice-if-were-a-girlie-magazine.

Felicia has faith that Cass will get Lesoleil USA back on track. He doesn't like Daniel. Felicia wants him to stop calling him Dan. They have to get positive publicity out. Daniel says Cass can work with Kathleen to that end.

The men are reading the article. "'I think that women are beginning to realize that they can no longer depend on men to ensure their happiness.'" "she never met me, huh?" Catlin loomed large on the horizon and said dangerously "do you find something amusing about that article?" enter Sally.

Daphne reported to Carl. He told her Chris didn't seem to know about October 25th. He mentioned Nancy's archaeology.

The men apologized to Sally and fled. Catlin and Sally decided things were fine because they loved each other.

Tom Whitemountain called Hawk. Hawk reported the burning of the letter. And Carl. Tom's on his way.

Carl gave Daphne the seating plan to be followed precisely. He promised an interesting afternoon.




* From Aunts Aren't Gentlemen, by P.G. Wodehouse:

'More like a snake who goes about the place robbing men of the women they love, if you ask me.'

'Certainly not,' I protested, learning for the first time that this was what snakes did.

'Well, it looks fishy to me,' he said. Then to my relief he changed the subject. 'Do you know a man named Spofforth?'

I said No, I didn't think so.

'P. B. Spofforth. Big fellow with a clipped moustache.'

'No, I've never met him.'

'And you won't for some time. He's in hospital.'

'Too bad. What sent him there?'

'I did. He kissed the woman I love at the annual picnic of the Slade Social and Outing Club. Have you ever kissed the woman I love, Wooster?'

'Good Lord, no.'

'Be careful not to.'