November 4, 1985

Carl: I wonder where they get this? You know airline champagne is like no other champagne on earth. The bubbles don't so much tickle your nose as scrub it. Well you two were wise, you passed up on the refreshments, eh? It's easier to be smug with a clear mind, isn't it? Daphne: Carl we would like to get some rest. Carl: oh, yes, yes we must rest. Tomorrow is the beginning of the real adventure. Daphne: perhaps. Carl: Daphne you know I think you'd make an excellent assistant headmistress. You know, the kind with the pinched face who confiscates all the dirty books? Daphne: are you going to keep this up the whole flight? Carl: no, I'm just a believer in the friendly skies. Let's all set our watches to Bay City time. Then we'll all know what time it is there. And just about now Mac Cory will be receiving my little package. A passport, you might call it. A passport TO DEATH. [He's been reading Agatha Christie.]

A parcel marked urgent came for Mac as he talked with Clarice in his office. She urged him to open it.

Someone knocked on Marley's door. She called out "Larry is that you? Larry, just come in, make yourself at home." Enter Donna. Marley said she was busy. Donna saw her diaries all over the coffee table and had fits.

Daphne thinks Carl's obsession with Rachel is risking the treasure. He accused her of being jealous. He raved about the wonders of tomb dust. "I mean it's all so fantastical, just imagine it, old Mac Cory, Mr. Silver-haired and Sensible, running amok, hopping about yelling at little children, punching up little old ladies... Yes. Of course he'll develop a personality for the first time in his life but that can't be helped." She called him sick and went to another seat. Carl moved to sit next to Fayez to chat about how Daphne disliked sharing and wanted him out of the way. Fayez denied plotting. Carl said "it's a strong concept... just miscast." Carl told Fayez he was afraid that Daphne would cause them trouble in Bay City. Witness the way she fell apart when she found out there was no treasure. She's unstable and likely to do anything for money. He thinks she intends to steal the Pharaoh's daughter.

In spite of Clarice's coaxing Mac didn't open the package. He's thrilled to hear Larry's moved back in but she's not terribly happy. She's not over what happened. Mac had to rush off to a meeting and so neglected the package.

Donna forbade Marley to pursue this search. Marley feels that she should know her father. Donna doesn't want Larry to know her secrets. Larry came to the door. Donna told him he'd come at a bad time and she'd gladly reimburse him for wasting his. Larry said it should be Marley's decision. Marley showed Donna out. She promised this wouldn't hurt her. Marley asked Larry to find Michael Garrison Love stableboy 19 years ago. It's very important. She asked if Catlin would be working with him. Larry said they were partners. Marley wants no one to know anything.

Catlin didn't sleep well because he hates strange beds and Lesoleil. Sally reminded him of how little time he'd had for her at the police academy and she'd put up with funny hours and other policemen so he shouldn't make her feel guilty for this. He said he hadn't been hounded by the press and secretaries and hairdressers as a policeman and Sally said "NO, it wasn't hard for me at all, I just had to worry about whether you were going to die or not." He conceded that had been rough on her. She said something inarticulate about thinking men felt like martyrs when women did things and she doesn't think they wish each other well like they used. He was stung and went out to run off tension.

Kathleen asked Edouard to lunch. They get along swell. Edouard: was this Cass person a total imbecile? Kathleen: not totally, he's running Lesoleil all right. Edouard: because I don't trust anybody who'd let you get away. Kathleen: it wasn't his fault. DON'T YOU EVER TELL HIM THAT I SAID THAT. But it wasn't his fault entirely. Edouard: now what was the most romantic lunch you've ever had? Kathleen: with Cass? In Majorca after they pumped our stomachs they fed us pudding. Edouard: what was the most romantic lunch you ever had with anyone? Kathleen: Andy Durelli [sp?] fed me half a twinkie in 3rd grade and then he kissed me. Edouard: I see. I have a lot of work to do. He talked about what they do until she told him it wasn't a romantic lunch but lunch with Mac.

Aunt Liz reminds Daniel of his mother. She asked him [with Lizzian [or should that be Lizardish?] cunning] whether he were married. He is not. Daniel: I don't have any kids either. Liz: what? Daniel: wasn't that the next question? Liz: the next question is why are you a male model? Daniel: I'm not a male model I'm an architect. Liz: I thought architects designed buildings. Enter Sally in time to hear Daniel explain that Lesoleil was in a bit of a financial bind. Sally gave Aunt Liz a hard time for interrogating Daniel mercilessly. He declared Sally pale and beautiful and rushed off to get her breakfast. Sally seems to be overly sensitive to people's attitudes toward Daniel. She raved about feeling guilty for spending more time with Lesoleil people than her family but "THE PEOPLE THAT I WORK WITH ARE A LOT EASIER TO DEAL WITH THAN THE PEOPLE WHO ARE MY FAMILY. CRIPES, AUNT LIZ." Exit Sally in a temper.

Donna returned to Marley's after Larry had gone to try to talk Marley out of opening the can of worms but Marley would have none of it. Dee stomped in to bitch about the Midnight Surprise. Donna told Dee the article was not composed of lies. "I'm afraid your idol [felicia] has feet of clay." Dee retired to her room. Donna told Marley she didn't like Dee and Marley responded that she was sure Dee would be crushed.

Mac took fits because someone had sent something asking if Cory wanted to bid on Carl's autobiography. Kathleen assured him he'd win again.

Clarice is standoffish with Larry. He's a jerk. 'taint enough that he loves her.

Sally apologized to Daniel for Aunt Liz. He likes Liz. He likes Sally. They're sick of being asked about hemlines and cuffs. They were in the midst of a good laugh when Catlin wandered in all strange and sweaty after his run. Daniel runs too. Sally was wildly eager for them to be chums and run together in Arizona. Sally dispersed to collect Aunt Liz and Kevin. Daniel decided it would be a really good idea to talk karate. [hoboy.] He studied it himself once upon a time. [Is there nothing this man can't do?] Catlin said it was just like riding a bicycle. [I looked the other way.] They began "goofing around" and it seemed to me that Catlin [a little over confident] wound up on the floor. Sally returned and Daniel wandered off.

Mac was again interrupted in his attempts to examine Nancy's parcel by Edouard's arrival. They decided to go back to the Corys' for lunch. Exit Mac & Kathleen & Edouard. The secretary gathered up papers and the box to have sent home.

Carl imagined Mac opening the jar, sniffing its contents, and collapsing in horrible choking agonies. Daphne's worried about everything. Carl told her she was a real pain.

Diane received Mac's parcel to be dealt with. Mac entered to introduce her to Someone.

Marley finds Jake wildly enigmatic. He said he'd change whatever was bothering her. She said she didn't think he could. He told her he didn't care about Victoria like he used.

Victoria bitched to Bridget in Smiley's until a masculine person came in looking rather like Jake. "And if Marley had her own Jake maybe she'd leave mine alone." Bridget said she didn't even know him. Victoria said she did. [Is it Dee's rent a date? DIRK.]

Diane was thrilled to meet Edouard. The Cory [sic] took him to another room. Said Diane: "Edouard Gerard! Now I can die happy." She opened Mac's package and sniffed the contents of the of the jar and began a horrible choking fit.

Bridget left. Pseudo Jake wandered over to chat with Victoria. She told him there was someone he should meet.

Carl told Daphne not to worry.

Diane coughed and wheezed and choked and collapsed. Mac came dashing to her aid. [She had of course closed the jar and restored it to its box.]




Catlin is not particularly good at other men, is he? Silly boy.