September 30, 1985

Jake came back because Victoria deserves better.

Marley arrived at work at last vair' chipper. Chris and Hawk [who is a vegetarian] are in Smiley's. Hawk cannot return to Arizona until Chris has read the letter. Chris does not aim to do so.

Carl is spying on Chris. He sent a man in to find out who was with him.

Sally was saved from certain death by Daniel pushing her out of the way. Sally had moderate hysterics [sounding like given the slightest provocation she would burst into years and laugh insanely; as it was she made jokes and sounded shaken & off the deep end]. Daniel and Felicia ministered to her. Felicia ordered the set closed and Sally sent home. Daniel ordered Catlin called. Cass tried to scare up doctors but David nipped this in the bud. He and Cass don't get along. Catlin could not be reached.

Victoria is suspicious of Jake's motives. He said everything was over between him and Marley. He wants to get back on track with Victoria. Things were just obscured by Victoria's overwhelming desire to be a Love. He wants them to be together forever. He wants to make everything up to her. She loves him. One assumes he kissed her. They're going to find her room.

"You know I don't know how my father had time to do all his dastardly deeds. He was too busy writing letters." Chris is belligerent. He wants nothing to do with his father. He thinks Hawk should settle in Bay City. Hawk observed a man taking their picture. He mentioned this to Chris and set off after the man who had stolen their souls. When he came back he had the license of the limo the photographer had gone off in. Chris said he'd write to Tom Whitemountain to explain his recalcitrant behaviour. Marley the waitress appeared and mentioned Perry's room as a place to stay. Maisie said he could look at it. [Calvin Hawkins!] Enter Nancy with the exciting news for Marley that Jake's at the Love house. Marley says he knows she's moved out so he hasn't come to see her.

Victoria and Jake are not talkative. No magic hats for them. Jake did promise her everything would be okay from now on.

Chris doesn't want Nancy to be worried. He and Hawk decided to ask Ada about tracing the license number. With infinite subtlety Chris put the problem to her hypothetically as it were. Hawk made things easier by explaining the situation. She'll help them. They think it's weird. She won't tell Nancy. Exit Ada. Enter Nancy & Marley.

Nobody could find Michaud. He's promenading himself at the Chapin estate. Cass told Felicia how fishy he found Lesoleil. They're upset about Sally. He told her about Daphne's loan. She's not frightened; Michaud will protect her. And Edouard will too. And she has faith in herself and Cass. He advised her to talk to Wallingford.

Daniel's making Sally comfortable at home. She's unhappy about spending so much time away from her family. Daniel let on that he knew a fair bit about the whys and wherefores of the alleged conspiracy. Sally said he could tell Michaud from her to leave her be because she wasn't going to leave Catlin. Daniel says Michaud is hard to dissuade. She doesn't relish the idea of working with Michaud all day now. Daniel thinks she should give him a chance to save face because he's young and he worships her. Sally is annoyed. Enter Catlin; Sally said piteously "Catlin" and he said "great. Just great." [Are we suspicious of Daniel? Silly boy.] In the intervening commercial Daniel was disposed of and Sally explained the accident. She confessed about Michaud's pass at her [because she had to tell somebody. You didn't catch him mentioning Brittany's Wimbledon indiscretions.] He persisted in not taking it seriously until she started crying with the strain of it all. THEN he said he was going to kill him. She tried to reason with him and being overwrought asked him to hold her but I think he stomped out. Or p'r'aps he shut the door and did her bidding.

Nancy had an unwilling Chris fetch the doll of the star god to cheer Marley up. [Is it the green thingy?] Hawk explained the symbols. Chris had to go to the hospital. Hawk told the girls about American Indians. He put the doll away. Marley advised Nancy not to make Chris do things he didn't want. Nancy advised her to do something about Jake. She won't.

Jake and Victoria are having a wonderful time. She wants to go to Smiley's. She denied wanting to rub Marley's nose in it. So they'll go to Smiley's.

Felicia is dwelling on the horrible state of things at Lesoleil. She's tired of being the peacemaker. Wally told her she couldn't hide from her men in her work. Wally suddenly realised he should be night fishing with Catlin. Felicia said she wanted to come. "It'll be FUN." "Felicia you think digging ditches would be fun if it'd keep you from thinking about Edouard & Zane." "TRUE." Exit Wally & Felicia. Enter Jake & Vic. Dee observed this with distaste. She greeted Jake. He told her if he got his job back at KBAY they could shoot her video. Maisie likened Victoria to a cheap suit.

Daniel told Daphne killing or maiming Sally would not accomplish anything. She professed ignorance. He warned her not to try anything. Exit Daniel. Enter Carl. [Daphne: My personal life is none of your business. Carl: Your personal life, my dear, would embarrass Lizzie Borden. Daphne: who is this person? Carl: Oh, she's not a patch on you darling she just chopped her family up into little bits with an axe.] Carl admires her. He's a very wicked little sadomasochist. She told him there was only one man for her. Darling Michaud. Carl is hoping for a pardon. He told her he'd checked on Chris and found nothing. He can't understand her passion for Michaud. She says he's gentle. He asked if she'd tried to kill Sally. She told him to stop eavesdropping. He said her failure showed a lack of commitment. He likes commitment. She doesn't mix sex with business [what price Michaud?]. Carl says he does.

Catlin and Sally had a big fight because Sally still wants the job in spite of the little gifts from heaven and jerks coming on to her and Catlin spending half of his life being annoyed by secretaries and hairdressers. [I like David though. I'll grant you Raoul is a pain but I like the way he dislikes Catlin.] Sally dragged up his undercover work in which she knows not where he is and he turns out to be with his ex-wife round the clock. He made noises about how much more important busting drug rings was than selling cosmetics. She accused him of not trusting her and made bitter comments about him wanting her barefoot and pregnant. He made for the door and she [realising she'd gone too far] called him back wanting to talk about it. Wallingford was on the step. He took in the situation and gave Catlin the option of backing out. Catlin said he'd go [he's rather subdued] and Sally INSISTED. Catlin went to get his gear. Wallingford mentioned Sally's close shave. Sally said she could handle it. Catlin returned. Wallingford made clear the options once again but Catlin's going to go. He said goodbye to Sally in an "I'm on the verge of remorse" tone; she did not reply with her similar goodbye until he'd slammed the door after waiting a moment. She sighed.

Daphne pried Carl loose. He showed her Chris' confederate. She doesn't know him. They are to pursue Nancy but not hurt her. No snow drums.

Dee is not thrilled by Jake and Victoria. She saw Marley approaching and dashed outside. She informed her she [Marley] was sick and they were going home. Marley said she had to go to work. Victoria inside is smiling to herself.


