Real Name: Albert Louis
Group Affiliation: Former probationary member of Beta Flight
First Appearance: Alpha Flight # 118
Creators: Simon Furman & Pat Broderick

        Albert Louis was living a fairly ordinary life in Halifax, Nova Scotia when he became a target for a group of "super-human hunters" known as the Hardliners. Using his powers, Louis managed to escape from them. Going on the run he eventually ended up in Toronto, Ontario and sought the protection of Alpha Flight.

        As of Alpha Flight v1 #130 Louis was undergoing training in the use of his super-human abilities as a member of Beta Flight. What's become of him since that incarnation of Beta was disbanded is not known.

        Feedback is capable of generating & controlling electrical fields. The fields are normally human-shaped. Typically Feedback extends the "arm" of a field around his own arm for an electrical "punch" or he creates a field completely seperate from his body that walks around at his mental command. Heather Hudson [in one of Furman's punniest moments, IMHO - C] termed the stand-alone fields Feedback's "shock troopers."

        Feedback is able to generate at least four "shock troopers" at once; the upper limit of this ability is currently unknown. Also unknown is the length of time it takes him to recharge after his energy store is depleted. In the "dream" story of Alpha Flight v1 #128 Feedback was shown as being capable of absorbing lightning to create his shock troopers. It is strongly likely that the "real-world" Feedback is also capable of this feat.

        The source of Feedback's abilities is unknown, so he's presumably a mutant. If he is a mutant, it's unknown whether his powers survived the M-Day incident.

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