Advice and tips for living

My dad used to say "The child is father of the man." I guess I didn't take his advice. Now I often think that I'd love to give people advice in fields beyond my profession, financial planning, where I do it for a living. If only they'd do this, I muse, they'd enjoy these benefits (that I have enjoyed for years). Tony Hillerman, in his wonderful autobiography "Seldom Disappointed" said "So much for unsolicited advice," after he as a teenager had seen his counsel ignored by a friend to the friend's disadvantage.   Recently I saw a teenager wearing a T-Shirt with the words "You're entitled to my opinion," perhaps a reference to the human problem that so few are ever asked their opinion - which may be a subliminal cause of violent crime. These attitudes galvanized me into starting this web page. All items below are unashamedly my personal opinions, unsupported by double-blind trials or other evidence. I don't care; you can take them or leave them.

15 January 2004
So many people don't believe in God these days. Unfortunately (for them) that doesn't mean He doesn't exist. Fortunately for them, He still loves them; even has plans for them, and some will become hard workers for Him. You may be one. All I will say at this point is that without God, and without knowing him in the person of Jesus, my life would be empty and meaningless. Instead, I have never been happier, and He is the reason. If you would like to find out about God, the Alpha course is a splendid starting point. Don't confuse learning about religion with being converted to Christianity. It came home to me during a recent discussion with some good people who run a theology school, and during later discussion with my wife Laurie-Ann, who has been through theological colleges, how many colleges have curriculums directed towards knowledge rather than faith. Some "knowledge" is actually the interpretation of individuals, and can be erroneous. Many seminaries and theological colleges are a great test of faith, since they seem to attract thinkers to their staff who are interested in promoting the latest theories, and have no interest in bringing people to Christian faith. I find it difficut to imagine that anyone would give their lives to serve some of the newer liberal interpretations of the Gospel. I believe in the supernatural, where God is at work.

2 April 2003
Read audio books
The stats show the decine in reading. There is untold wealth of information, help, and descriptions of why the universe is a great place to be alive in, all committed to hoped-for immortality by writers. Yet most people don't even go into libraries. I don't have time to read books either in today's frantic rush to earn a living, but I listen to about two books a week on tape in my car. I find this more pleasurable than movies and much quieter. Check out your library for audiobooks on tape or CD. I have unofficially listed scores of audiobooks I recommend from the Ottawa library with criticism and links to Amazon.

Take good vitamins / minerals
At this time when a virus called SARS is killing people around the world I thank God for introducing me to the importance of adequate nutrition in the diet, by having a lady called Carrie Gagne invite Annmarie to a Nu*Skin presentation in 1991. I have been on Lifepak daily since 1992, not to mention many skin care and hair care products, and they have revolutionaized my life. I have never had a day off work from sickness since then. I think my immune system is teflon-coated. Yet many take vitamins and minerals and see little benefit - because cheap minerals are poorly absorbed by the body. Furthermore they are confused by the huge array of products on the store shelves. Nu*Skin / Pharmanex is different; packaged for compatibility; designed to be just what you need for wellness. From where I see things, everyone should seek out a Nu*Skin distributor and beg to become one. Why don't they? At least my friends should!

Encourage yourself
Don't wait till others encourage you to believe you have worth and value in the world. You could wait a long time. The spiritual gift of encouragement was only given to a few. The chance of one of them meeting you is not high. People are ready to criticise at the drop of a hat but will almost never go out of their way to give encouragement. SO: remember that God loves you - so what else matters? You are made in His image and He has a purpose for you, and if you listen to Him you will hear it. With that certainty in your heart, you can follow your dream - assuming it benefits the world - and your gut feelings, without the necessity for the encouragement of others. Parents can be particularly bad at encouragement.

Having said that, I have some addtional thoughts on the subject of encouragement - fantasy style.

Teenage Survival - highly recommended for parents
Thought for the month