October 29, 1987

Ginsburg got in the way.

Nicole did not tell Peter and Peggy that Brian Bradshaw was going to back her. Cass did.

That Old Carrot received the name of a certain Henry from an operative named Lloyd.

Victoria lay curled up in bed, presumably without having told Michael. She turned over when John came in. She was very civil to him. He told her it meant a lot to him that she was well. She may have been a little confused. He told her things would be different and she could say or do anything as long as she got well.

Lisa bullied Jamie into going home to rest. John was forced to let That Old Carrot in to see Victoria since she'd asked to see him. Vicky said she'd missed him. That Old Carrot encouraged her to tell him about her accident.

Dawn insisted Scott rest for a little while. She sat down at the piano to practice while he zonked out on the bed.

Zack took Cass aside and gave him papers to sign for Kathleen's foundation. He'd screwed up before. Contributions are not up to par. Colette dashed up. Zack was cold. He's upset because she's writing a book on the sexual habits of lawyers. Cass said he'd make a good chapter himself. Zack said he was a MAN, not a lab animal. He took her out on the balcony.

Victoria became upset and said she wanted to be alone. That Old Carrot kissed her and left. She recalled seeing Donna and John in boat together. Donna rushed in and found her hyperventilating. Jamie was summoned. He had her breathe into a paper bag. Order was restored. Jamie said that That Old Carrot had caused it.

That Old Carrot paid Lloyd and approached Henry. He paid him to talk not to the police but to Michael about what he'd seen.

Dawn woke Scott. She said she'd quiz him. She turned out to be too distracting.

Lisa put Jamie to bed in a sexless hospital room.

Zack kissed Colette. He told her he hadn't been a lawyer for very long. He was a parole officer about a year ago. She wanted to do a comparison.

Michael told John he believed in God, because there was nothing random in his finding a brother who subsequently saved his daughter's life. John was made uncomfortable. They embraced.

Lisa got into bed with Jamie (fully clothed). He was comfy.

Dawn walked Scott up and down, quizzing him.

Nicole fidgeted, waiting for Brian to call.

Lisa assured Jamie that Victoria's troubles would not interfere with her recovery.

Scott felt too groggy to study. Dawn made him finish. She put him to bed. She kissed him.

Tony went home. Nicole fussed. Chad came up to bitch about Scott as Grown Man. Wally told him Scott was all right. Chad muttered about men who take advantage of vulnerable females in the throes of first affairs or the devastating aftermath thereof. Wally told him he was overreacting. Chad told him he'd been a pimp for ten years and knew how it worked. He left. Enter That Old Carrot. Nicole told Cass Peter had probably called him. She decided to show him that she didn't need Brian -- she'd get married.


