October 28, 1987

Nicole told Cass she needed a special husband. She looked at him meaningly. He said he didn't know where she'd find one. She was not pleased.

Sam admitted that Amanda was right. He offered to have personnel let her help him. She told him he could kiss her stern. He warned her he would make the offer only once.

Victoria's family clustered around her bedside and behaved encouragingly as Jamie coaxed and Lisa held her head. Her fingers moved. Her eyes flickered open. Everyone rejoiced. Victoria was unable to speak, so Jamie had her squeeze his hand to indicate she could hear. She's out of the coma. Donna wept. Jamie asked them to leave Vicky alone for a bit. He admitted the extent of her recovery was in doubt.

Sam had second thoughts. Amanda maintained that she wanted to get ahead at Brava and did not have a crush on him. He accused her of trying to claw her way to the top. She accused him of being a sexist pig. (It would be all right for a man to be ambitious, but it's unbecoming in a woman. But she is so pushy, and she does have a crush on him. For the record, I don't like pushy men or women.)

Nicole sulked. Cass was perplexed. A telegram arrived from Texas oil Brian Bradshaw, a potential investor. Nicole cheered up. Donna called to report on Victoria. Nicole and Cass decided to go to the hospital. He sent her on ahead and destroyed the telegram. (Incidentally they had been drinking champagne and cutting cake to celebrate Cass' birthday.)

Dawn got nervous before her début. Cheryl encouraged her. They envy each other. Scott arrived. Cheryl smiled tremulously.

Jamie examined Victoria a little. He warned her parents that Victoria might improve only slowly. Her brain had been swollen. Donna left the room.

John assured Donna that the negatives were safe. That Old Carrot came to see Victoria. John and Donna told him he'd done enough damage.

Dawn went to prepare. Cheryl saw Amanda come up and bitched to Scott about the advantages of having money. He told her she was talking through her hat. Dawn appeared. She sang "Tale to Tell" in her best baby voice. Scott blinked. Cheryl glanced at Scott. Tony came up to Amanda and offered to buy her a drink. (He knows her in her capacity as Mandy Ashton.) She declined and ran into Sam on her way out.

That Old Carrot backed off. Donna told him Vicky had come out of the coma. Peter was delighted. That Old Carrot berated him for letting John steal the negatives. He intends to let him take the fall and go on exposing Donna and John. Nicole and Cass arrived and ran off with Donna. John warned That Old Carrot that everyone would believe he had caused Victoria's accident.

Victoria smiled foggily at Nicole and held Jamie's hand. They awaited what she had to say. Victoria thanked Jamie hoarsely. Everyone rejoiced. She drifted back into sleep. They left the room and celebrated with Cass' birthday stuff. That Old Carrot lurked on the outskirts. Nicole approached him and warned him he'd pay if he hurt anyone.

Dawn finished her set. Scott cried "Brava." He declared his intention to be a groupie. He told Dawn he had a piano for her at his place. Cheryl was shocked.

Jamie told Lisa she should be proud. Lisa told Jamie whatever Vicky had to say was breaking her heart.

Cheryl told Scott and Dawn to go to his place. Dawn can help him study for his bar exam. Amanda returned to Tony to show Sam. When he left she accused Sam of watching her. He apologised for getting off on the wrong foot. She left.

Jamie had Michael go in to Victoria alone to see if she'd talk to him.

Nicole told Cass Brian Bradshaw was the answer to her problems. Brian turned up on her doorstep. Cass glared.

John told Donna that nothing mattered as long as Victoria pulled through.


