INF Treaty interruption.
Nicole and Cass found Brian dead in his room, apparently of a heart attack. Nicole thought That Old Carrot might have had a hand in it, but Cass' doubts quelled that. She gave up.
Donna told Victoria nothing had happened on the boat. Victoria was skeptical. Donna admitted that she and John had wanted to have sex but the madness had passed. She said she hadn't been sure that Michael loved her and things were such a mess. She looked like a muppet in red lipstick. Victoria was unforgiving. Donna told her she'd go with her if she wanted to tell Michael. Victoria looked away.
Amanda has been to Sam's place. She told Julie Ann gleefully that there were dishes and clothes all over the place and Joyce was cross, because Sam thinks only of his Brava cover project. Sam rolled up. Cass and Nicole came up. Felicia and Wally were stunned. Nicole declared herself jinxed and fled. Felicia sent Cass after her. Pep talk. Nicole got her spirit back. Cass refused to marry her. She pled. She said they'd have to convince Bay City they were in love. She said they could break up if an investor came along. He fell. Sam told Amanda she could be his Creative Assistant. She fell.
Donna told Victoria that Peter and That Old Carrot had sent her the photos. Victoria refused to believe her. She didn't buy it when Donna told her the photos were not what they seemed. She ordered her out. Jamie came in. Vicky hugged him.
Sam took Amanda back to his place. Joyce told him she was going back to Seattle because she was in the way. He protested, but she left. He seemed about to cry.
Jamie comforted Vicky. He told her Donna loved her. She wasn't thrilled. He tucked her in.
Cass told Nicole not to call him Poopsie. She spotted Peter and wrapped herself around Cass. Peter seemed wary. He'd taken Marley to the airport. Nicole dragged Cass onto the dance floor, although there was no music. Peter stared.
Sam brooded. When Amanda asked he said it had been over between him and Joyce for a long time. They got down to work, seeming pretty aware of each other.
Jamie crept in and surprised Lisa. They discussed Vicky a little. She said she'd been thinking about becoming a nurse.
Cass was afraid of being unsubtle. Peter came over and asked if they were in such a good mood because Bradshaw had come through, and they said he was dead, and Nicole added that her career didn't seem so important all of a sudden. They gazed into each others' eyes. Peter left them to it. Cass didn't think he was convinced. Nicole bet him that they would have everyone convinced they were madly in love and wanted to get married. Felicia overheard.