October 17, 1985

Fayez and Daphne wonder how they can explain the fact that they're going to Egypt first to Nancy without causing panic.

Chris made fun of Hawk's Egyptian disguise and accent.

Zane is at the courthouse to be morally supportive of Britt who is in a white satin silver-trimmed befringed rodeo outfit and snaps at him.

Felicia visited Edouard. He told her he was going to start living. He admitted she was right and Barry was coming to see him. He wants her to stay to lunch.

Britt was annoyed to see Catlin had brought Sally. Zane pointed out that she was his wife. Britt said SHE was his wife and Sally was no more than a common thief. [Nice talk, Britt. Where is the credit card? At least she's dressed for a divorce.]

Hawk: Okay, OKAY, you can quit laughing. Just because you don't have to wear a fake moustache. Chris: I can grow a real one. Hawk: is that a slur? Chris: of course. He wishes he could tell Nancy what was really going on. He can't let anything happen to her. Hawk told him he was in love.

Fayez told Nancy there was a sandstorm in Algiers so they were going to Egypt and she could wait until the sandstorm was over. Nancy took fits but calmed down when she realized they'd be refueling in New Jersey and said she'd call home from there.

Sally complimented Brittany on her outfit. Britt accused her of feeling like a pig in slop. Catlin was distressed and ready to enter the fray on Sally's behalf but Zane dragged Britt off. Catlin apologized to Sally. She said she didn't care what Britt did as long as she was out of their life. Catlin leapt to Britt's defence and said she'd had a rough time of it. Britt demanded to speak to Catlin alone. She told him they had to discuss custody of Evan. He told her Evan was dead and he didn't want to talk about it. She divined he hadn't told Sally.

The villains are plying Nancy with champagne. Daphne said the New Jersey officials said they had to refuel on the runway so Nancy wouldn't be able to use a phone. Fayez protested. Nancy said she'd call from Egypt. Nancy is sozzled.

A lackey came in Barry's stead [Barry being too busy to deal with someone not a big deal]. Felicia and Edouard find him unthrilling. Felicia hopes he'll choke on the lasagna.

Donna's having a reporter over. She feels it's her civic responsibility to rat on Edouard. The reporter from the Midnight Surprise arrived.

Fayez asked Nancy if she and Chris were lovers. She said not. Fayez thinks he's overprotective. Nancy says he means well and she can talk to him.

Chris asked how he could possibly love someone like Nancy. Hawk said it beat him. Chris said they should go to the tomb because he's got a feeling Nancy's in danger.

Zane talked small to Sally and told her Britt was a good person. Sally is in no mood to give Britt any charitable thoughts and told him she should realize Catlin doesn't love her and leave him be.

Britt told Catlin Evan deserved to be more than a dirty little secret. He said he'd tell Sally when he decided it was right. Their case was called. She told him she could tell the judge she didn't want a divorce and they wouldn't get one. She went in. Sally took Catlin's arm and took him in. They emerged from the chambers divorced. Catlin and Sally went home and Britt is unthrilled. Zane assured her she'd done the right thing. She's in a state. She told him it wasn't over. He told her she was a jackass. She said she'd loved Catlin so much and crumpled up.

Barry's lackey is a vegetarian [Felicia: how nice for you.] He told Edouard everything was geared toward the 18- to 39-year-old heroes. Edouard showed him out and Felicia tried to cheer Edouard up.

Hawk and Chris examined the lock of the tomb. Chris can't wait to turn the treasure over to the authorities. Hawk thinks it will put Frederick's soul to rest.

Nancy's worried about her ring. Fayez said it was his fault. She assured him it would turn up. He asked if she had the pendant. She said she'd left it at home. She misses her mom. He's glad she likes him.

When Sally and Catlin got to the cabin Aunt Liz appeared with a noisemaker and drinks and wedding cake to celebrate the shaking the last dust of Brittany Peterson from our feet. She said she had a meeting so she wasn't staying. She has vegetarian principles but she has steaks for them. Catlin told Sally in an undertone he wanted to talk to her as soon as Liz left. Liz called Mac and found out she could stay for a piece of cake. Catlin came over all glassy eyed.

Felicia told Edouard he was still great. He asked her not to leave tonight.

Donna was told she'd get $1000 for the story if they published it. Donna couldn't talk the reporter into any more so she gave in.

Zane put Britt to work to give her something to do. Felicia called to cancel their date because Edouard needed her today.

Edouard thanked Felicia.

Zane went to work.

Aunt Liz kissed everyone after her share of cake and left. Catlin was about to tell Sally when Aunt Liz shoved the mail through the window. Sally was sidetracked by a charge card bill for a negligee bought in Indianapolis. She told Catlin to cough up her present unless he'd been buying negligees for someone else.

Things are going according to plan. Daphne hopes Carl's satisfied.

Chris discovered the absence of Nancy's ring and the substitution of a fake.


