October 9, 1985

Zane and Felicia are in bed and in love. He's trying to be sensitive and understanding about Edouard.

Cass surprised Sally in the cabin and told her Hawaii was off. She: GREAT. Now I can go to Indianapolis. He: well that's the way most people would respond. She told him about Catlin.

Catlin made arrangements with the Kents to ask them questions. He promised not to see Eddie. Dave Kent is not thrilled. [Dave: do you have a son Mr. Ewing? Catlin: no I don't. Dave: then maybe you wouldn't know how it is to feel like somebody's trying to take him away from you. Catlin: I understand better than you think.] Britt barged in. Catlin got annoyed. She's not supposed to be there.

Felicia wants to be with Zane but she doesn't want to bash Edouard too harshly. “If I can stop being understanding here for a minute and speak on my own behalf ... You know need is not a real good basis for a relationship.” She agreed with him. She needs time to think so they can't sleep together for a while. She keeps saying she loves him. She got out of bed.

Sally asked Cass if they had money troubles. He told her it wasn't serious and wished her happy Indianapolis. Cass was surprised she didn't know where Catlin was staying. She'll ask Larry. She is delighted.

Carl quizzed Fayez on Perry's life story. [His major was English. His favorite novel The Great Gatsby.] Fayez is not thrilled. He says the difficulty is Nancy remembers his letter to Chris. Carl called the Corys'. Rachel answered. Carl listened in silence to Rachel saying “hello” for a bit before turning the phone over. Rachel called Nancy. Fayez is coming over.

Nancy told Rachel Fayez was Perry's friend.

Felicia and Cass are depending on Sally. They have to do location shooting in the southwest. Felicia's thrilled with Cass. Cass says Sally is the one thing Michaud did right.

Kevin is a Boy Scout. Larry dropped by to take him to something scoutish [A JAMBOREE] with Cory. Sally asked him where Catlin was staying so she could surprise him. Larry persuaded her to call and give fair warning.

Catlin gave Brittany what for. She's being a jerk. He told her she wasn't to see the boy. She finally promised to stay away. He went to shave. [good boy.] She filched a credit card from his wallet. She answered Larry's call. He called her Catlin and said he was calling from the cabin and said they had a bad connection. Catlin emerged with shaving cream about his ears and took the call. When Larry said the bad connection had cleared up and he was calling from the cabin Catlin hit Brittany and demanded to speak to Sally. Larry took Kevin out. Catlin convinced Sally not to come and said he'd be back by night. He told her they had to talk. She said she loved him and he sat he said "yeah see you later hon" and hung up hastily. Britt asked if Sally always nagged him like that [and I was surprised. I didn't notice anything nagsome or hunted in his responses or Sally's bits either]. He said they were both under pressure and she [Britt] wasn't helping a bit. He left. She grinned.

Fayez flattered Nancy shamelessly. He told her he was interested in archaeology. She told him about Algeria. He said she should visit him in Egypt. She'd love to but Ada might not be thrilled. She told him Chris was more interested in his hospital than in her. Fayez charmingly [!] said he couldn't understand that. Enter Chris. Nancy told him Fayez was Perry's friend and he hadn't received Chris's letter. They spoke of coincidences [Chris looks very disgruntled]. Chris asked if Fayez were going to see Perry's father. Fayez expressed surprise that Carl was in town and said they didn't get on. Nancy invited him to lunch and dragged him off to see the rest of the house. Chris doesn't like him.

Felicia thinks they can borrow $300,000 from Mac. Carl called. [Felicia: what do YOU want, Carl? Carl: I just thought I'd check if the phones were still functioning.] He offered her his assistance. She told him what he could do with his money. She said he had an excess of spleen. Kathleen was announced. Felicia fled. [Cass: you can't go now. Felicia: Oh yes I can. What's the matter with you, you SCARED of Kathleen? What have you done now, Cass? Cass: she's writing that article. Felicia: SO? I think you can handle it. I'm tired of being the intermediary here. Cass: you deserve her.] Enter Kathleen. She and Cass fought because she'd written the truth. [Kathleen's wisdom: "funny thing about cooperation, it's kind of a two way street."] Cass: the TRUTH? I thought you were a bigger person than that. Kathleen stormed out. He yelled after her that he'd get her. "Who am I kidding? I'll never get her. Never."

Eddie's adoptive mother put him out to pasture with his toy robot. Enter Catlin being vastly polite. Dave and Marilyn are not happy. Eddie doesn't know he's adopted. Catlin tried to put them at their ease so he could ask questions.

Eddie in the backyard covered his robot in dead leaves. Brittany appeared. He said "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." She said "I'm not a stranger honey I've known you for a long long time."

Catlin was satisfied that Eddie wasn't Evan. Enter Brittany with Eddie. Catlin got Marilyn to take Eddie out to the kitchen. Brittany insisted it was Evan. Caitlin said they have the birth certificate for Eddie. [Brittany got like Aunt Liz when Zane called Catlin Josh.] Brittany was taken out yelling it was Evan. Outside Catlin was firm.

Rachel visited Sally. They discussed the difficulty of being devoted mothers adoring wives fulfilled career women and passionate lovers. Rachel suggested she assess the relative importance of Lesoleil and Catlin and Kevin. Sally thinks it could be easy.

Carl fantasized about Rachel with himself as Gloster [sic] [later Richard III] and Rachel as Lady Anne in Act I Scene ii. He was very Shakespearean. She wasn't until the end. I do like Carl although it was severely edited. He was wearing a lovely earring.

Nancy promised to ask Ada if she could visit Fayez. Exit Fayez. Chris doesn't like him. Nancy explained about Algeria. He said he'd miss her. She said he could come with her.

Brittany cried and cried and cried in Catlin's hotel room. I'm pleased to report he didn't put his arm about her. She told him she'd had to behave like she did. He railed at her about how she could have ruined at Eddie's life. He said he'd be upset if someone had pulled this with Kevin [a nice touch, I thought]. He said he was going home because he's fed up with false hope. He left. She looked at his credit card and stopped crying [rather suddenly].

Cass can't afford lighting to shoot Sally but he'll scare it up. Cass told himself everything was riding on Sally. Enter Sally bearing her letter of resignation. Cass asked why. She said the travelling was too much. He took the wrong tack and told her she had to uphold her contract. She left and said she wasn't coming back.

Carl told Fayez to always be with Nancy to make sure she got to her destination safely.

Chris can't just take off. Nancy told him she was going to stay with Daphne. He rushed out saying she [Daphne] wouldn't get away with this. Nancy yelled after him that she was going no matter what he said.


