Carter apologized for being mad about Perry. Tom's going to tell Quinn today.
The Corys want to link Carl & Emily. Failing that, they want to prove that Stowaway was swapped. MJ said Larry found out Emily'd been at a London hotel with a MALE COMPANION. Is he a Hutchins underling, they wonder.
Peter has to see some people this morning so Emily has to stay in bed until the afternoon. He asked Perry if he'd seen Carl. Perry flared up and said he wouldn't spy for him. He won't be home for dinner.
Jamie says perhaps Emily's man was no more than someone she'd picked up. Quoth he, "She's not exactly a paragon of virtue." Jamie and Sandy think Larry should return. They all speak disparagingly of Emily's boyfriend.
Sally and Kevin stopped by to see Catlin before school. Kevin has reverted to his sullen silences. As usual, everything Catlin proposes Kevin vetoes. Or ignores. I want to shake that child. Eventually he asked Sally if he could wait in the car. She said he could. Catlin's depressed. Sally: You're doing fine. You've just got to be patient. Catlin: Patient? Patience is not one of my virtues. Sally: Oh, really? Catlin: IN a little more than a month I'm going to be that kid's father. I want him to like me. Sally: I'm his mother, and I can't even tell him that. There are going to be frustrations. Catlin: Oh, yeah, don't tell me. It's a part of life. Sally: Okay, I'll spare you the heavy Frame philosophy. FOR TODAY. Catlin: Thank you. Sally: Kevin does like you. Catlin: Oh yeah? How do you know? Sally: Because I do. KISSING. High heels leaving.
Peter told Donna about Perry. She justified Perry's refusal. Peter went weird. And loud. Peter: Why'd you let him [Carl] in this house in the first place? Can you just explain that to me? Donna: Because I loved him. I didn't know. Peter: You didn't know what, exactly. Donna: I didn't know about all the horrible illegal activities -- Peter: Like murder. Donna: Peter. Peter: All right, Donna, maybe you didn't know about the murder but you must have sensed SOMETHING. Donna: I didn't KNOW. Peter: HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW, DONNA? Mac Cory knew, the police knew, anybody that ever had anything to do with Carl knew that he was a crook, but Donna, Donna didn't know. (I don't know how this looks, but it sounded so funny my mother was concerned for my sanity.) Donna: Peter, you of all people should understand I was in love with Carl. Just as you were with Emily. Did you know that she was running around murdering people? Peter: LEAVE EMILY OUT OF THIS, please. Donna told Peter Carl was blackmailing her and she could do nothing. Peter says Carl makes him so angry he could kill him.
Tom tried to tell Quinn. Quinn kept raving about a beautiful dress that Tom should have (suit her figure perfectly). Then Lily burst in and interrupted.
Maisie asked Carter about Nancy and Hunt. He's not terribly interested. Maisie asked Perry why Carter's so uptight. Perry spoke vaguely of problems.
Sandy paid a call on Donna. She told him she admired his scheme. They are agreed that Carl must be stopped. Sandy asked her not to eject Carl's horses just yet. She agreed. Donna CASUALLY asked after Catlin. Sandy told her of the engagement. She said faintly it was to be expected and she was happy for them.
One of Peter's people is Catlin. Peter wants to know about Majorca and if there was any mention of Carl on the ranch. He asked if he thought Emily Benson could've been the top man on the totem pole. Catlin: Emily? No, no, -- um, Emily's a little blonde person. Catlin said he sort of thought it was sad and she was kind of nice. And (almost meaningfully) that people surprise you.
Perry lost his temper over the wrong colour plates. He and Carter nearly came to blows but Grant came in and told Carter off. He apologized to Perry and smacked Carter's head. He told him to get self-control. Carter agreed with him and said they had to talk but Grant told him to apologize to Perry first so Carter got mad and stomped out.
Donna stopped by the cabin to tell Catlin she'd heard he was getting married. She said she'd hoped he would call when he returned from Majorca. He apologized and said he owed her a lot. She said she was happy for him. She asked what he was going to do with his life. He said be a cop and she giggled throughout the rest of the interview. She said if the gendarmerie didn't work out she was sure she could help but he said he was going to make it work for Sally and Kevin. Donna said Sally was a very lucky lady. Sally appeared and said, "Yeah, I think so too."
Carter returned of his own accord and apologized to Perry.
Mark came to see Peter. BORING.
Tom and Carter are frustrated that they haven't been able to tell their folks. They're going out to think.
Donna was polite but Sally was politer. She wished them good luck and left. Stilted conversation for a bit. Catlin: You're mad, aren't you. Sally: No, why? Catlin: You're mad because Donna was here. Sally: No, that is ridiculous. Catlin: She just came by to congratulate us. Sally: I know. I know why she came by. Catlin: You're mad. Admit it. Sally: All right, yes, I'm mad. Of course I'm mad. You slept with her. I know you slept with her. SHE knows I know. I walk in the door to my own new home and I find her paying a visit? Catlin: (laughing, sort of) Baby, nothing happened. Sally: Well, I KNOW that. Catlin: Oh yeah? How do you know? Sally: Because I trust you, love, and because if anything HAD happened you'd both be dead on the floor right now. Some things don't change. Meanwhile Catlin is laughing hysterically. Catlin: I love it when you're jealous. Sally: You creep. Catlin: You know what she asked me? She asked me if I was happy. Sally: Well what did you say? Catlin: I said I was. Sally: And what did she say? Catlin: She said she was happy I was happy. And I believe her. Donna isn't a very happy person. (She was pretty fun today though.) Sally: I know. Catlin: And I do owe Donna a lot. If it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be here right now. Sally: Well then I guess I owe her a lot too. Because I'm very glad you are here.
Carter told Thomasina that having a baby wasn't terrible but beautiful. He waxed rather eloquent. Carter: I'm asking, Thomasina, that we get married now. Tom: NOW? Carter: Yes, tonight. We'll just go get married. Tom: I don't know what to say. Carter: Say yes. (OF ALL THE TRITE THINGS TO SAY. SAY YES. WOW.) Because I won't accept no, and my knees are freezing. Tom: Okay. Yes. I'll marry you.
Quinn returned home to find Tom gone. She found a bunch of teenage pregnancy pamphlets. Oh no she said.
Peter has finally made it to Emily. (SUCH A DRIPPY VOICE.) He won't let her turn herself in. Her word won't be much good against Carl's. And Peter won't let her take the rap for what Carl. Sound of clothes vanishing into the blue.
MJ and Mac figure from the description the man was Peter. ASTUTE OR WHAT?
You know I know she knows I know you know you slept with her. She knows you slept with her. I know you know she knows you slept with her. SO I GUESS WE ALL KNOW.
Sally was killingly polite. And sweet. Murderously sweet. And Catlin's occasional irrelevant sentences during the stilted bit. (For one, "Donna just got here a few minutes before you did.") LIFE IS A SCREAM.
I wish someone would DO SOMETHING to or about Kevin. If I have to live through much more of this I'll go nuts.
Hooray for Captain Spaulding the African explorer.
If patience is not one of Catlin's virtues, what is? Justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude are the cardinal ones. The theologicals: Faith, hope and charity or love. And virtue is practically synonymous with chastity, wot he ain't got. I think perhaps he's more theological than cardinal.
If this Peter kills Carl the other one will have a nasty shock when he returns. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I WENT BERSERK?" The moral: don't entrust your life to an impostor (especially a blond one).
Grant is such a jerk.
Maisie is such a nuisance.
Will Carter & Tom actually make it to the infamous altar? I hope Grant has apopleptic fits and buys the farm (or as Larry would say buys the ranch).
Catlin didn't SOUND as offensive as it looked. Except I still don't quite like the way he sounded when he said Sally was touchy on the subject of Donna. Partly because Sally probably wouldn't've been too thrilled with Donna even if she and Catlin had never come within a mile of each other. There was still Peter.
If this isn't love there's no Glocca Morra. I forget the rest.
You know, Kevin was a tolerable child until December 19 WHEN DAN COPELAND SAID IS THIS KID A BRAT? It's all Dan's fault.
It's terribly funny the way everyone (viz. Mark) tells Peter that Emily's a nutbar. And Catlin saying (as if that explained everything) that Emily was a little blonde person. Until he recalled that Peter had been better acquainted with her than he and was presumably aware of her hair colour.
I suspected something like this. Folk who haven't known each other as long as or even been engaged as long as Catlin & Sally getting married before them. Of course it's not definite yet. It could fall through. But Tom & Carter are engaged. I wish his knees would freeze.