April 15, 1985

Rachel got upset because she'd promised to go to Amanda's school some time to talk about art and she didn't remember anything about art. She said they were all waiting for a woman she didn't know called Rachel to show up but she didn't want to hurt them any longer. She said perhaps she should go somewhere alone.

Zane took Britt to the police station. he made her wait while he talked to Larry. He Told Larry he wanted to talk to him about Catlin's wife. Sally? Said Larry. No, Brittany. Said Zane.

Marley knocked and called to Jake.

Larry asked if it was a scam. He said Catlin would've told him. Zane said it was true and he'd told Aunt Liz but she'd thwarted him. Larry said Catlin would've told him. Zane said Catlin had believed her dead. He said Britt and Catlin had a right to straighten things out. Larry can't figure out why Liz would do something so STUPID. (Because it was the only reasonable thing to do, you twit. At least SHE doesn't have a mustache.) it's unbelievable. Larry said if it was true Catlin and Sally weren't legally married. 'Tis true said Zane and waved Catlin and Britt's wedding photo about. (Sorry, Josh and Britt.) Larry wanted to meet Brittany.

Mac's worried about Rachel. Alice said the amnesia was a result of Carl. Mac suggested to Ada a therapist would be a good idea. He'll ask Rachel at dinner if she'd mind. Rachel returned. Mac asked her to dinner at the Northwoods Inn.

Jake sent Victoria to the bathroom. Marley was let in. Desiring to talk to him. He asked her to come back later and steered her out. She apologized for disturbing him and left after he apologized for being unsubtle about it. Victoria was released. "So. That was Marley. "

Felicia's on the lookout for a restaurant to buy. They're all awful and she feels guilty about Grant. Wallingford has a feeling everything will work out. He invited her out to dinner. She didn't want to. He asked Maisie and mentioned truffles and caviar. Maisie's busy but Felicia changed her mind.

Nancy's stuffing her face. Depression. She claims she's not depressed. Perry won't tell her what they're doing instead of the cotillion.

Wallingford got on the phone. "We'll both be there. Hey, I know a good deal when I see one. Just relax and leave everything to me. "

Victoria asked if Marley were always like that. She wasn't like she expected. Sweet and nice and LIKING JAKE. Jake said he'd told her about her. She said she hadn't been listening. She'd expected something different. She's wanted to get to know Marley Love for a long time.

Perry invited Marley to watch Nancy eat. She was surprised to hear Nancy was only the alternate. Marley told them Jake had pushed her out so quickly. Nancy asked evilly while she was so interested in him. I'm sure Marley blushed painfully as she said "I'm not." she accused Nancy of being the one suspicious of him all the time. Perry (who was probably thrilled to hear Jake was listening to him, ha ha) asked why Nancy was suspicious of him. She bluffed her way through it with Marley's help. Marley says she thinks Jake is just a mysterious type.

Aunt Liz thought about being spiteful to Zane and Britt. She's having fun with Kevin. He says they have to get home before Catlin and Sally get back.

Larry told Brittany he was sorry for what happened to her and her baby and Catlin was a good man and he wouldn't want her hurt. Zane told him she'd been deaf since the accident. Larry said Catlin had to know (put a sock in it). And he'd track him down. He doesn't know how. He doesn't know where Catlin is or Liz. But he'll try to get Alice in Washington. Britt's suspicious of him. Alice wasn't in when he called. They're staying at the Happy motel. He advised them to go there and wait. Britt said Catlin hadn't told her he had a brother (everything she says is through Zane). Larry: well, apparently he didn't tell a whole lot of people a lot of things. They left. Clarice arrived. He told her.

Jake wouldn't let Victoria leave while she feels bad. He's going get something for them to eat. She looked for a phone number.

Jake caught up on the news he'd missed while not in Smiley's. From Nancy. He was "A terrible flirt." Jake left. Nancy accused Perry of being terribly attractively jealous. They left.

Clarice had everything explained to her in words of one syllable. Alice called. He asked where Liz was but wouldn't explain why. She told him. He called Liz. (Larry: why'd you do it, Liz? Liz: I'm sure you understand. You know how much Sally and Catlin love each other. Larry: yes, I know but that doesn't mean a whole lot right now. Liz: it does to them. It means everything to them. Larry: all right Liz I'm not going to argue with you I Just need the number where they can be reached. Liz: I don't have it. Larry: yes, you've got it now don't give me that. Liz: I don't know the number. Larry: all right you tell me where they're at and I will just call them myself. Liz: I can't. Larry: Liz do you know what's going on here? Liz: they deserve this time together.) She said a little more time wouldn't matter and no one would tell them.

Perry still won't tell her where they're going or what they'll do. She went in. She told Ada she was depressed she hadn't got it. Ada told her she was the best and it didn't matter.

Something's afoot. Wallingford won't tell Felicia what's to happen later on. (I think he wants her to buy the Northwoods Inn.) Rachel arrived. Wally told her not to worry he'd had amnesia once. A man bought Rachel a drink.

Victoria called Bridget and ordered her to get her into the Love house. Jake returned.

Rachel's man is called Geoffrey*. He bought her another drink and sort of tried to pick her up. He asked her to dance. She accepted

Jake tried to stop Victoria from watching the videotape of Marley if it upsets her but she said she had to see the way she moved. And always smiles. She has to study everything. Jake said she had to leave. She said she needed him so much. He said he'd come to her place later. Perfect she breathed and agreed to leave. She left.

Larry went to Smiley's to try to find Zane and Britt. He said Liz wouldn't tell. Larry doesn't even know how long Catlin will be. Larry invited them for dinner but Zane declined. Larry asked how they'd found out about Catlin. Zane told him about Peter. He doesn't like him (one for Zane). Larry told Britt he wanted to be her friend. He said Catlin had to come home eventually and he'd keep trying to find him.

Rachel and Geoffrey danced. Mac arrived. He said their table was ready. She said she'd be in in a minute. We're going in now Rachel he said firmly.




* Editor's modern note: At the time I felt free to spell it Geoffrey, but recent evidence (the end credits from the next day's episode, not to mention the AWHP list of Day Players) has confirmed that it has really been Jeffrey all along. I will also note that his surname was apparently Cartwright, although as far as I know he is no relation to the recent Jerome Cartwright III.

I wish Peter and Zane and Brittany and Larry would all blow up inexplicably and Clarice go away and Kathleen have the sense to keep her mouth shut. Wallingford has the sense and would. SO THAT'S SOLVED.