July 9, 1985

Marley wants to go out to an old movie. Vic doesn't. She said not to let that stop her. Marley picked up the phone to call Jake her movie buddy. Victoria made faces to herself over it.

Mac's plotting over the phone about something to do with Rachel's life. Nancy heard the last bit.

Adrienne was allowed to take Larry homemade soup in the room Carter had cleaned. He asked how long he had to live.

Mac convinced Nancy he'd just been being melodramatic about Rachel's artwork. She said dating Rachel could be fun. Mac: I thought we'd go for a long drive along the bay. Nancy: Sounds -- swell. Mac: Well, what's wrong with that? Nancy: Oh come on Mac it's pretty BORING. Mac: Well it worked the first time. Nancy: Well Mac that was when Rachel was Desperately Seeking Mac. I think the shoe's on the other foot now. Mac: Well I'm not exactly desperate. Nancy: Why don't you do what she wants? Mac: Which is? Nancy: Do I have to tell you everything? Just call her and find out. Mac: May I remind you that I managed to get her to marry me three times without any coaching from you? Nancy: Who do you think was coaching Rachel? Bonne chance. Exit Nancy. Mac: We don't have to drive all the time, y'know. I mean, we CAN park. If she'd let me. And I'm sure she wouldn't let me. Oh well. Maybe she's right. Maybe Rachel hasn't had dinner. He called the old house and found Rachel had been bowling all day and was still at the lanes NOT sketching. "Great. Just great. Now my wife is going to BOWL her way to mental health."

Marley talked to Jake about Preston Sturges and Frank Capra. Giggling a little too much. He'll come. Vic decided she'd go too. Donna appeared. Marley: I asked Jake to go down to the old Bijou and Victoria's going to come with us. Donna: Are you sure you're up to it? Marley: Am I UP to sitting for about three hours and watching a couple of movies? Oh, I THINK so. Donna: Darling, don't be flippant, you're still recovering. Marley: Jake and Victoria will be there. I'll be fine. Donna: Does Jake know? Marley: Know what? Donna: That you're both going. Marley: No, but -- Donna: Do you think it's wise? Marley: It's not a date, Donna, we're just going to the movies. Vic suggested they call Nancy and turn it into a bunch. Marley decreed it a great idea. Donna: You be home early. Marley: Oh, I don't know, Donna, I MAY just have to stay out dancing all evening or elope with Jake. Exit Marley. Donna told Vic to make sure Marley didn't get too tired. Enter Peter exit Vic. They like Vic. Donna says it's time they found out the truth.

Clarice can't find Larry. He's not at his hotel. Cory's upset.

Adrienne says Larry will be killed when Tommy Lee gets back. He's got to get out. She's sorry for him. She's concerned. He spotted a heating duct.

Donna's going to read her father's secret diaries to find out about the twins. They're in the attic. Peter must help. Marley let Jake in. He brought a cassette of It's A Wonderful Life for her. (Probably took it from Catlin. The itty-bitty fowl dinner.) They're going to see Sullivan's Travels and Marley doesn't know the other. Marley and Vic and Jake left with Vic making faces and Peter making Remarks.

Catlin couldn't find Larry at his hotel. He thinks something happened in the nature of physical injury. Clarice thinks he's gone to Canada with his rich woman. She cried and said their marriage was over but she still wished she knew where he was. Catlin was consoling.

Adrienne's going to dress Larry's wounds. She's liked him since she saw him.

Mac's going bowling and he's not thrilled about it. He's mad Rachel isn't sketching. Ada says you can't sketch all the time. Mac finds this logic unreasonable. He mentioned to Ada about trauma bringing the memory back. She told him not to scare Rachel and she didn't care if Rachel remembered anything as long as she was all right. She left. He called his co-conspirator and changed the meeting to Char & Peg's Super Bowl.

Ada gave Nancy money to treat everyone. She left.

The Loves have decided that their father was not as impressive as they had thought. It turns out he had confided in Carl more than he talked to his family. Donna knows how Victoria feels about being the one abandoned. She has to tell her the truth to help her heal.

Rachel's being taught to bowl by the bowling pro. (Bowling puns abounded.) His name is Paul. Rachel sounds drunk. Mac's being a jerk. Paul left. Rachel told Mac he was being a jerk. They decided to bet on a game.

Vic doesn't seem to be enjoying the movie. Marley realised "they die at the end" and tried to get Nancy to leave but Nancy's enjoying it. Vic has wandering hands. She told Jake she wanted him. He's trying to keep her calmed down. We got to the end and Nancy began crying uncontrollably and fled with Marley in her wake. Vic wanted to stay alone with Jake but he went after those in need. The theatre is now empty.

Larry is not screaming in pain. He says Polo's not the brightest light on the Christmas tree. He didn't make a fuss when they were working him over and they were probably crueler on that account. Adrienne's impressed by the way he's impressed Polo why the way he acts so cool all the time. She's got to go but she'll be back later. I'm not sure what she intends, sex or friendship. He is at death's door. Enter Jimmy. Larry obediently howled with the sting of iodine. He said Tommy Lee was on his way. He'll be in tomorrow. Larry says it's always nice to have something to look forward to. Jimmy sent Adrienne upstairs. She said she'd return with soup. Jimmy said she wouldn't. She said she'd bring SCALDING HOT SOUP which she would spill on Jimmy WHERE IT COUNTS if he didn't like it. She left. Jimmy said Adrienne really liked Larry and he didn't get it because he didn't like him at all. He laughed and laughed and said Larry was going to die. Exit Jimmy.

Ada comforted Nancy. She says it's all right to cry.

Mac and Rachel competed fiercely. She got three strikes in a row. She's talking funny. They're jerks. Donna found 1967. Her father wrote hateful things about the stableboy and she tore out the offending page. It turns out her father knew about the twins. "Bastard twins will arrive any day now."

Vic wants Jake to give up Marley. Enter Marley. She mentioned Nancy and the death. Vic went to bed with a headache. Jake kissed Marley goodnight.

Mac and Rachel quarreled bitterly. He won in the end. They had fun. A guy appeared at the door and Mac said they had to leave.

Adrienne's determined to help Larry. He wants her to maybe risk her life to help him escape.

Donna was horrified to read that her father had sold Victoria to a family in Pennsylvania. He was a monster. She said she had to tell both of them. Marley and Vic appeared in the doorway.

Mac and Rachel driving along swerved to avoid another car.


