
November 5, 1985

Felicia boarded a plane in Chicago and discovered Nancy. She mentioned Lesoleil was going to Arizona. Nancy begged to go with them.

Carl is eager to hear of Mac's demise.

The Corys were much distressed by Diane's collapse. Rachel called an ambulance.

Nancy: I'm TERRIBLY interested in fashion. Felicia: honey, I thought you were interested in archaeology. Nancy: oh, I was — I am — but it's kind of old. Felicia advised her to think it over. Nancy was not to be waylaid. She begged to be allowed to be a gopher. She mentioned Chris Chapin and Felicia deduced it was the pursuit of love. Nancy fell in with that interpretation. Felicia caved in on condition that Nancy work and get written permission.

Carl is supremely confident. He decided to look at the pharaoh's daughter. Daphne: do you think you should open that here? Carl: why not? Daphne: well it's a stolen antiquity. We may be under surveillance. Carl: now darling, why would anyone bug the hotel suite of MR. AND MRS. LLOYD BREEDLOVE of Akron Ohio? Hopefully the CIA has better things to do. Daphne squealed over the Princess. Carl noticed the staff was missing. Daphne denied having taken it. He says they have to find Chris. He suggested Daphne hide the Princess at Lesoleil. He decided to buy a paper in order to read Mac Cory's obit. At long last.

The paramedics tried to revive Diane and took her out with Mac and Rachel in her wake. Helen the cook is in a state.

Hawk and Chris arrived in Arizona. Hawk has obtained a horse for Chris. Chris is counting on walking funny for the next couple of days. Hawk assured him it was like riding a bicycle [cf. Catlin and Daniel]. Chris wants to call to make sure Nancy is firmly planted in Bay City. The brothers parted company.

Helen spoke of poor young Diane to Ada. Chris called and asked Ada about Nancy. Ada told him Nancy wasn't back yet and she'd be glad to have her in sight. He said he'd write.

Nancy dropped in on Marley and said she couldn't go home.

Felicia is much in demand. Wally and Zane greeted her in the Northwoods Inn and Edouard's been calling. Wally sloped off. Zane told her the article was tripe. He wants to fix the informant. She's been thinking. She asked him back to her place. Edouard called.

Chris rode most of the way across Arizona, a very scary looking place. All reddish-brown with mountainish things and spots of green. Eventually he arrived at his destination where Hawk and Tom awaited him. We have much to discuss.

Nancy is talking a mile a minute explaining Egypt to Marley and stuffing her face. Marley is mildly fogged. Nancy: sothenhetoldmetogooverthewallwithouthimandIwouldn'tsothenhefinallypulledmeoverandthat'showHawkandIgotaway. Marley: I cannot believe this. Nancy: Mm. Sometimes I can't believe it myself Marley. Marley: So what happened next? Nancy: well then Carl got Chris. Marley: oh, he must be crazy. He has totally lost his mind. Nancy: he is NUTS Marley, he gave Chris some kind of drug to make him talk and he gave him too much of it. Marley: what happened? Nancy: thank goodness, Hawk and I got to him first. Marley: you SAVED his LIFE. Nancy: MM, I couldn't let anything happen to Chris. Marley: oh, no, obviously not. Nancy: Uh-uh. Even though I'm not SPEAKING to him now. Marley: what? Nancy: MARLEY, I thought Carl was going to KILL all of us. Marley: I can't believe that Donna was actually married to him. Nancy: he is CRAZY Marley. Marley: and so that's why you can't go home? Nancy: well, sort of. I need some time to get my story straight. Marley: you think you can come up with something better than the truth? Nancy: well I just can't tell them all that. Marley: oh, NO, of course not... Why not? Nancy: because Carl is still making all these cuckoo threats about what he's going to do to Mac. Marley: maybe I'm lost or something Nancy but wouldn't it be good for you to WARN Mac? Nancy: Uh-uh. Because Carl can't do anything until he gets the treasure. Marley: right. SO? Nancy: SO, Chris is going to get the treasure first. Marley: well if Carl doesn't get the treasure isn't he going to be kind of mad? Nancy: Marley, I don't try to ANALYSE the guy, I just know what he said. He said he won't hurt Mac until he gets the treasure [? First I've heard of it]. Marley: So what makes you think that Chris is going to get the treasure first? Nancy: because Chris and Hawk are onto something. And that's why I'm not speaking to Chris. Marley: because they might find the treasure? Nancy: MARLEY, you're not following. Marley: I wonder why. Nancy: I'll explain it to you. Chris and Hawk are in Arizona somewhere and they're going after the treasure without me. Marley: why would they go to Arizona without you? Nancy: I don't know. Chris has some dumb thing about wanting to protect me. Marley: oh, and of course you're not going to let him do that. Nancy: RIGHT. So you see I can't tell my family about what happened in Egypt because they'll worry, and they don't NEED to worry because Carl's notgoingtodoanythingifhedoesn'tfindthetreasureandCarl'sNOTgoingtofindthetreasurebecauseChrisisgoingtofindthetreasurefirstANDifmyfamilyworriesthey'renotgoingtoletmegotoArizonatohelphim. Marley: you're going to Arizona. Nancy: RIGHT, didn't I tell you? It's all arranged. She need only get Ada's permission and keep Chris in the dark.

Edouard wanted to see Felicia. She perceived Zane's unthrilledness and got rid of him [Ed]. They headed home.

The princess' staff appeared to link the star god and the princess in the Indian pictures. Hawk confessed to having seen Nancy pocket it. Chris refuses to involve her. The stars on the star god's map represent caves. Without the staff they might have to blast.

Marley solved all of Nancy's problems by agreeing to lend her airfare to strengthen her case and promising to watch over the souvenir staff while she's away. [Nancy: this is the most excitement I'll have in my whole life and I kind of wanted something to remember it by. Marley: well couldn't you get some SLIDES or something? I mean this is a really valuable thing here.] They're such good friends. Next thing we know she [Nancy] was at home. Nancy told Ada Algiers was boring ["one can only see so many mosques."] Ada asked about Egypt. Nancy was surprised she knew. She said Egypt was very nice. "Nice?" "yeah." "you saw the pyramids?" "of course, Mom." "AND?" "AND... they're pointy." "there's something wrong with this picture... Egypt is NICE and the pyramids are POINTY?" "I can't help it if I'm a shallow person, Ma." Nancy told her Felicia was desperate to have her in Arizona. Ada was unthrilled. The hospital called to say Diane had kicked the bucket. Ada told Nancy she wasn't going anyplace.

Daphne found all over Carl and told him how glad she was Fayez's nasty plot to kill him had failed. Carl expressed his thrilledness at her sentiment. She seemed to twine herself about him. Carl: I think I should wear these overalls more often. She wants them to be partners. They're lugging the princess about Lesoleil and when voices approached Carl became FRED, handyman extraordinaire.

Felicia and Zane are making happyinbed noises. They are madly in love. He says Edouard is her past and he her future. A single perfect rose came for Felicia from Ed [all we need is Mr. Canoehead's brother Ted for a complete set.] Zane: I don't know how that guy ever made it as an actor... he's got the lousiest timing I ever saw.

Nancy revolted Ada by trying to convince her to let her go to Arizona in spite of Diane. Mac and Rachel returned. Diane's mother's in shock. Ada told the Corys about Nancy wanting to leave. Rachel got Nancy out of the room and suggested Ada let her go.

Zane went to take a bad-tempered shower when another ding dong came to the door. It proved to be Edouard deeply desirous of joining her [Felicia] in Arizona as a film consultant. [Lesoleil sold a franchise in Palm Beach.] Zane bellowed for shampoo. Edouard diagnosed French farce and departed after a long silence at the end of which he pushed Arizona sunsets and togetherness. Felicia told Zane Edouard had heard him and been hurt. Zane is cross. He's going to go STRAIGHTEN him out.

Rachel reminded Ada of Perry's death's effect on Nancy. Mac took Rachel side. Ada gave in with bad grace.

Carl called the Corys with an American accent and believed himself successful upon hearing the tearful Helen speak of a terrible tragedy. And then Mac came on the line.


